Chapter 2

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He stood tensed and although his eyes were connected with mine, his arms still wrapped around a scantily clad, leggy blonde who was literally crawling up him. He slowly started to remove his hands off of her but suddenly tightened his hold on her and nuzzled his face in her neck.

I could hear my heart break. It hurt to see MY mate, the one that was made for me by the Moon Goddess, to love me, cherish me, to be mine and only mine, was busy snuggling up some oh-so-desperate chick, just after realizing we were mates, that too right in front of me.

My friends were asking me what had happened but I couldn't answer them, couldn't move my eyes away from him, couldn't even blink. Tears threatened to pour out of my eyes, but I didn't want to cry, atleast not infront of him, and show him that the girl who wouldn't take anyone's nonsense can become so vulnerable because of him.

I ran to the bathroom crying but from the corner of my eye I saw his head turn towards me with a hint of pain in his eyes. After a few minutes Chloe came in. "Hal, what happened? Sara just told me that she saw you crying and running to the bathroom." When she saw my tear stained face she quickly wrapped me in her arms. I cried while hugging her for almost 10 minutes. Then I told her everything.

"He almost indirectly rejected me Chloe. My Mate", I whispered. My wolf longing for her mate, yet angry and devastated by what he did.

Chloe wiped my tears and put her hands on my shoulders and said "You are strong Haley Anderson. Don't let him get you like this. Give him back what he deserves. Show him who's he messing with."

"What do you mean?"

She just smirked and gave me the look that said ' Get him back for what he did to you.'

I took a deep breath and with a new found confidence spoke "Aiden McCall, you are so gonna regret doing this to me."

"You go girl. That's the Haley I know.", she said cheerfully waving her hands around in excitement.

I strutted out the bathroom towards the dance floor where I found Rick. He was a fairly popular and cute guy and a good friend of mine. I grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him towards the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck and he held me by my waist and we started swaying to the music.

"Woah Hal, I thought we were just friends. But well, I'm not complaining", Rick said with a wink.

"Shut up Rick, this is only to get back at someone". I said with a scowl on my face which I quickly turned into a flirtatious smile. He started laughing "Who is that unlucky guy whom you want to torture so much?"

"Can't tell right now but just shut up and go with the act."

He just smirked and brought me close to him by my waist. He started running his hands up and down my back. My wolf was protesting. She didn't want to be so close to a guy who wasn't her mate. But I reminded her why we were doing it and she became furious again.

Suddenly I heard a low growl come from behind me. Realizing whose growl it was I placed my head on Rick's chest. Suddenly I was pulled away from his arms and Rick was on the floor, by the impact of the punch Aiden had packed him.

"No one touches her or comes near her. Heck don't even breathe in her direction. Got it?" Aiden yelled with a scowl on his face.

He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me outside. Once we were out I freed my wrist from his tight grip and yelled "What is your problem? You only don't want me, you're the one who rejected me, snuggled up a leggy blond chick seconds after you found your mate. Yet you act this way when I'm out there with someone else. Who the hell are you to tell me who to be with, what to do, when you practically rejected me."

Till the time I was done yelling my eyes were brimmed with tears. I took slow and deep breaths to push those tears back. This was a time to show him how strong I am, not to cry miserably on my poor fate.

His glaring eyes had softened and were almost guilty, keyword being 'almost'.

He brought his hand up my cheek and caressed them with his fingers. It was like electricity flowed through us when he touched me. Huge tingles erupted from where he touched me on my check and flowed throughout my body.

"I didn't reject you", he spoke softly. "I would never reject my mate."

Suddenly he withdrew his hand and made a tight fist. It was clear he was trying to fight the mate bond. Trying to keep his wolf from reaching to mine. His eyes hardened up again "I'm just not ready for this type of commitment yet. Goodbye."

With that said, he went to his car and drove away with me still standing on Lydia's porch, staring after him.

A/N : Pic on d side- Lucy Hale as Haley Anderson.

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