"Don't die!"

"Like I can die, I can respawn!" I cried out, just smiling. But then someone has to tap yes so I can actually respawn. I facepalm at the thought.


I reached to the middle of the park I reached to the middle of the park where there was lots and lots of grass, and small hills, and benches (yeah you know exactly what I mean). Only to see Conan and Ran being captured, both of them being hold on tight by a black mist. Ran seems unconscious but Conan, his eyes is wide, like he saw something that he couldn't believe, or hear, probably.

How is this happening. This is bad. Who is that? Wait, isn't that person the same from earlier. The one who killed me in that agency? The same fedora, bandanna, black suite and...that gun. Why did he appear again?

Nevermind that, I need Pandoru to talk now. Even though he may be annoying as duck.

"Equip 'Enable Pandoru to Talk' for my phone." I whisper to myself. I need Pandoru to explain now. He is vibrating even though I tried to ignore him for a freaking long time.

So annoying! Finally I can talk instead of messaging you which you never read it. I hate you so much but I still-

Shut the duck up. I have reasons and also, I am on danger.

I have been telling you that but you keep on ignoring me and never open my messages.

Sorry, but you keep talking unnecessary crap. Never mind that, give me a plan to help him.

Conan can save himself, along with Ran. Whatever, don't trust that person! Please Ani trust me now! I am not going to joke around this time. Your life is on danger!

I know my life is on danger. And who I shouldn't trust again?

It's that brown hair guy-

Suddenly, someone threw a rock at my phone, flying it out to the open area away from my hand. I gasp. I turn around who it was.

It is not possible. Why?

"Why Shizuku...why?" I ask, just couldn't comprehend why is this happening so suddenly. He was grinning, ear to ear, almost as his plan has been working far too well. He got a gun in his hand, gripping it. I back away slowly, until he lifted the gun and pointing at me. I immediately halt. I knew I was scared, but I am ready for my death.

"Oh Ani, you're such a gullible person." He stated, coming closer to me. His voice changed, it became more darker, more lustful, that I could describe.

"I-isn't that so..." I responded, trying to peak back at my phone.

Pandoru! You hear me! Please answer!

I couldn't pick up his voice at all. Where is he! The phone is still on but I don't hear him. Nevermind that, focus what's in front of you.

He's coming closer, and closer, with the gun pointing to my face, smirking. "Ani, you should really understand..." He places the gun in between my chest, close to my heart. "How much I want you." He presses it firmly to my chest as I tried to back away, until he hold my arm.

"You're not trying to get away, are you?"

"Stop, stop it please!" I begged. One struggle and I would be dead by the gun. Where's Pandoru when I need more information for duck sake. I know he keeps hiding things, but I want to know! I regret ignoring him now.

Shizuku licked his lips and stared at me with his black eyes. "Beg more, beg more. Will you?"

I had enough. I look down to the gun. At the moment, I couldn't really do it, but I will try. With my other free hand, I quickly tried to grab the gun but it vanishes. He chuckled and grab my other hand. The hand that was grabbing my arm went sliding down to my hand. He clutch them tighter, pushing me to the tree, pinning my hands over my head to the tree.

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