"I know you're awake.. and I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said, and I sounded like a terrible parent. You and Ashton are my world.. and I can't imagine where I'd be without the two of you. I love you, baby. And again, I'm sorry."

"I love you, too.. and it's ok."

He tightens his grip around me the second I began to speak and I just smile. "But I'm still upset with you." I tease and he sighs.

"What can I do for you to forgive me?"

"Give me a kiss, be yourself again, and just help me out.. please." I say softly after turning on my side to face him. He laid his hand on my waist before leaning in and giving me a soft kiss. After a few seconds, we both pull away and smile at each other. "I love you." I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest.

"I love you more." I can hear the smirk in his voice.

When I wake up the next morning, I'm still on the couch, but not with Marcel. I look around and notice how clean the house is, and I notice that there isn't a baby crying. My nostrils are filled with a delicious smell, obviously coming from the kitchen. I slowly get up and as I'm walking towards the entrance to the kitchen, I notice Ashton laying in his little chair that slightly leans back with little toys hanging over it. I smile when he looks at me and when I enter the kitchen, Marcel is cooking breakfast and every now and then turning to check on Ashton, but he doesn't see me. I slowly and quietly sit at the island. Seconds later he turns around with a plate in his hands with pancakes, eggs, and bacon on it.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiles and leans over the counter to place a quick peck on my lips. "I made you breakfast, I did the laundry, I cleaned up Ashton, I already fed him, and I've got another surprise coming up but that's after you eat." He says softly as he stared into my eyes.

"M-Marcel.. this is so sweet. Thank you so much for letting me sleep in, too." I slide off of the stool and walk to the other side of the island to hug him.

As I'm eating my breakfast, Marcel holds Ashton as he sits beside me and talks about our plans for today.

"Ok, so everyone coming over for dinner. Go." I say before taking a bite of my pancake.

"Jessie, Aiden, Louis, Niall and Liam."

"Ok." I set my fork down and rub my eyes. "I'm ready to go back to bed."

He chuckles softly before standing up. He looks so cute while holding Ashton, because he is holding him like he is some sort of diamond. He's treating him like his old textbooks and the thought causes me to smile.

"You can't go to bed because like I said, I have another surprise. Just hold him for a few minutes and I'll be right back." He smiles while handing Ashton to me and grabbing my face to place a soft peck to my lips. "I'll be right back." He assures me before walking away. I look at Ashton who is grabbing at my hair and trying to eat it.

"You can't eat that." I say in a baby voice, gently taking my hair from his hand. He replaces my hair with my finger and he tries sucking on it. "I'm telling ya, babe. Nothing is gonna come out of that finger. Do you want mommy to fix you a quick bottle?" I ask with a smile on my face and he smiles big, letting out the tiniest sounds that were barely laughs. This brought tears to my eyes and he continued to do it while slightly kicking his feet. Before I could call for Marcel, he comes into the kitchen and I tell him to watch Ashton. "What are you doing, mister?" I ask, poking his nose and he closes his eyes, his mouth parted widely with a smile added to it, including his small laughs. "This is seriously the cutest thing I've witnessed." I say and when I look up at Marcel, he has his phone out and records this moment.

Marcel; SequelWhere stories live. Discover now