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This is the last chapter, then the epilogue is next and then I'll be posting the final Author's note.

Omfg Harry Styles cut his hair and I just want to see what it looks like so bad because m chest hurts at all these instagram edits...

| dylan |

"If we're over for good, I just want one more kiss, please" Tyler sighs and I bite my lip in contemplation. 

"I don't know Tyler" I trail off.

"Please, I promise I'll leave you alone after this" He begs. Deep down I knew this was a bad idea. Something bad was going to happen but nevertheless I wrap my arms around his shoulders, leaving a light kiss on his lips, just as the door across the hall opens. 

I tear my body from Tyler's looking at Austin with wide eyes "Austin" I choke out, watching as his jaw clenches.

"Who's that Babe?" Tyler asks and I mentally smack him for calling me Babe.

"I'm nobody" Austin shrugs, and I feel a pang in my chest "I don't know who she is" He mumbles walking off to the elevator. 

"You need to leave" I demand quietly, my eyes staring at the empty space that Austin's body once occupied "Please, just go" I say a little louder once he fails to remove himself from my presence. I hear him huff loudly as he stomps off to the steps, which I'm thankful for because I didn't even want to begin to think of how awkward that would be if he had just sat in front of the elevator watching me cry. 

I slide down against the door, wiping at my tears with the back of my hand, unable to move. I don't think I'll ever figure out a way for Austin and I to not hurt each other. It seemed completely inevitable in our relationship. We were doomed from the start but we tried anyways. 

I sit on my welcome mat for what feels like days, though it was pretty close to it considering I had sat there for a good three hours. How it happened I will never know. Time flies when you're crying.

I walk back inside and to my room, thinking of all the places Austin could have gone until it all clicks. I run out of my apartment and to my car driving to the one place I know he has to be. 

Rocco's house. 

I pull up to the house and park along the street walking up the the front door. I knock on the door and wait, but once I get no response I twist the door knob, the door popping open.

"Hello?" I say, popping my head into the doorway. I walk inside and shut the door lightly behind me, walking along the hallway. I hear voices up the steps and I follow it. It was a loud authoritative voice that I knew belonged to Rocco as he angrily tells people to leave. I slip inside a doorway as two girls half naked scurry down the steps, getting dressed on the way down and running out of the house. I walk out of the room and towards the one that Rocco is in, and I begin to listen to their conversation.

"Sometimes I forget you hate the touch of a woman" Rocco chuckles, and know he's talking to Austin. 

"It's just weird" Austin responds.

"But you let your girlfriend do it all the time" He says, and my heartbeat quickens. 

"She's not my girlfriend" He states harshly, and I wince at his tone. 

"Since when?" 

"A while ago. We're not anything, she wasn't worth my time" He says, and I can feel tear well up in my eyes. 

"That's not how it seemed when you two were at my party" Rocco chuckles.

"Well she's a stupid whore" He grits, and the tears in my eyes spill over, and I wipe at them, fighting off a sob.

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