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I've been writing this for like 4 days straight, and I feel so awful, but school is stressful af. That is also the reason for the short length, but next chapter will be much better, and will be up way faster than it took to upload this one :)

| dylan |

I sit on my couch watching a movie, not feeling very great today and deciding to just chill out, I forgot long ago what movie I was watching and instead decided to think about things instead. Austin and I have been dating for about four months now, and things are good except he's been a little off since everything started.

He doesn't want to stay over my house, and when he leaves he doesn't go to his apartment. I only know this because out of curiosity one day I watched him through my peep hole to see what he was doing. He went into the elevator, and I would have followed him, but I wanted to sleep instead. But it wasn't the first time he'd done it. I watched him that night, and the night after that, and the night after that and so on.

I would have asked him, but deep down I knew that I didn't really care. I know he'd never cheat on me, so there really isn't anything worse for me to worry about.

"Hey Babe" Austin breaks me from my thoughts, walking into my living room.

"How do you keep getting into my house?" I ask, laying my head down in his lap.

"I have my ways" He winks with a shrug.

"Where is your shirt Mister?" I ask, poking his bare chest.

"I left it in my apartment" He shrugs again "Where are your pants?" He pinches my bare thigh.

"Touche" I wink and he chuckles. He grabs my laptop from under the coffee table, logging into my account "What are you looking up?"

"Porn" He chuckles.

"Hmm, seems steamy" I giggle, and he laughs, leaning down to kiss my nose.

"I'm just kidding, my laptop is dead and I need to buy something" He shrugs.

"Oh so you're using me for my laptop now? What kind of boyfriend are you?" I fake a scoff.

"The good kind obviously"

"Hmm I don't think so, but okay" I nod with a small smile, pulling him down to kiss me. He gladly accepts my kiss, it was short and sweet but still made my heart flutter. He pulls away and continues to type away on the computer "I need a bath" I sigh.

"I'm glad you said something because I didn't want to hurt your feelings" He teases and I smack his chest lightly.

"You're the worst! First you use me for my computer, then you say I need a bath! That's it we're over" I fake cry, standing up to walk away and he laughs. He closes the laptop and pulls me back down onto his lap. 

"No, Baby I'm sorry" He pouts "You're the bestest smelling girl in the world" He sniffs my hair, he fakes a gag, and I glare at him "I'm sorry" He laughs "I just had to"

"You're not funny" I fight a smile as he laughs uncontrollably.

"You're right" He continues to laugh.

"I don't think you're cute" 

"I know" He nods, taking in a deep breath "You think I'm sexy" He snorts.

"You got me there" 

"I knew I would" He grins, leaning in to kiss my cheek "But move, I'll go make your bath" He playfully pushes me off of him.

"Are you just trying to play with my bath bombs" I roll my eyes playfully.

"No, of course not" He scoffs.

"Sure" I draw out and he rolls his eyes playfully running off into my bathroom. I giggle quietly into my hand, wondering how I even got him. I call for my kitten, and put food in her bowl, her body rubbing against my ankle as I pour.

"I know you only love me because I feed you" I chuckle, and she starts eating her food. I walk to the bathroom, turning the knob, only to not have it turned "Did you really lock the door?" 

"Maybe" I hear Austin say from the other side of the door "Just give me a minute" 

I lean against the wall next to the bathroom door, and doing unfortunately gives me time to focus on my sickness of today. At first, it started out as just an odd feeling, the feeling that something in your body isn't right but you can still do things. Then throughout the day it have progressed into nausea, and now it's nausea and a headache.

Austin finally opens the door, and closes it behind him before I can look inside "Have fun" He smirks, leaning down to kiss my cheek. He walks away and I stare at him in confusion before opening the door, my jaw dropping.

He had obviously thrown a bath bomb into the tub, the water being a light blue color. He lit candles around the tub and had the light dimmed. I find myself staring for a little too long, and I don't think I've ever gotten into the tub fast enough. 

I sigh in content at the perfect temperature of the water, and I rest my head against the bath pillow I have at the end of the tub. I found that I had sat there for nearly an hour, when Austin came knocking on the door asking if I was okay. I, of course, told him that I was, but realized I should probably get out since the water was beginning to cool down.

I decided to quickly wash my hair, before getting out, draining the tub and wrapping a towel around my body, another around my hair. I walk into my room, pulling on a pair of underwear and a bra, dropping the towel. I throw on a large button up and a pair of shorts, walking back into my living room.

"Did you like it?" 

"Very much yes" I nod "It made me feel much better" I grin, and he looks at me in concern.

"Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I've just felt a little sick today but it's no big deal" I shake my head.

"Are you sure? I can go and get you something"

"No I'm fine really, I just need to go lay down" I smile, standing up and walking to my room. He follows after me, something I had hoped he would do, and I lay down in my bed. He crawls in beside me, his arm laying over my waist.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispers, kissing my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I whisper back "I just need to sleep" I mumble and within minutes I'm falling asleep.


I was going to add more, but I think what I was going to add would be better explained in Austin's POV.

Just a quick thing before anyone asks or assumes, Dylan is NOT pregnant, it's been four months and by then she'd have a slight baby bump and can someone really go 4 months without knowing their pregnant? Well besides the 'I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant' show but like yeah she's not.

I love you all, 


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