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I have no school again tomorrow, I haven't had school since Thursday XD

All I've done is watch Netflix and avoid homework haha... I'm officially goals...

This chapter is kind of short, but uh yeah... I don't have an excuse.

| dylan |

 "Hey, I'm going to go down for a- are you okay?" Mikey gasps, sitting down beside me on the couch.

"I'm fine, just do whatever you want... go to the pool" I say, taking a wild guess that he's going to the pool considering he's in his swim trunks.

"I guess it didn't go so well" He sighs.

"No Michael it didn't, I told you I didn't want to tell him. I knew he wasn't ready to hear something like that but you kept pushing" 

"I'm sorry, I didn't think-"

"Exactly, you didn't think" I cut him off "Just go Mikey, I'll see you later" I sigh, curling up on my couch, clutching one of the pillows. Mikey stands up with a huff, walking out of the apartment slamming the door behind him. 

I stare at my blank TV in a daze, I literally told my biggest secret to a guy I trusted with everything, and he ran away. To say I'm sad isn't necessarily true, because I'm not. Sure, I'm pretty upset about it, but given the past I have I'm not surprised anyone would react that way. 

I roll over onto my back, staring at the ceiling, wondering if he'd come back. Maybe he's on his way back now, and he'll apologize for leaving and tell me he'll accept me for my past, considering I'd be his future. 

I had waited for hours for that to happen, and soon I realized it's not going to happen. My ears perk up, and I wipe under my eyes as the door knob sounds. Turning my head towards the door as it open, my body slumps as my brother steps in.

"They uh, had to clean the pool" He says awkwardly.

"Oh" I nod.

"I'm guessing he hasn't come by yet..." He trails off.

"I don't really want to talk about it" I sniff, standing up from the couch, walking off to my room. I fall down onto my bed, face buried into my pillow. I sob quietly, the door creaking as someone opens it.

"Go away Michael" I grumble.

"Not until you smile" He sighs.

"I don't want to" I roll my eyes. He stays quiet, but shuffling is heard until the bed dips beside me. 

"Dylan, I'm sorry" He sighs, rubbing my back "I didn't think he'd react the way he did, I don't want you to hate me" 

"I don't hate you" I sit up "I hate myself" I sigh "I hate everything I've done in the past, and I didn't want anyone to know, that's why I was so adamant about keeping it a secret. But I could never hate you, you're my brother" 

"I love you Dylan, and I'm sorry" 

"Stop apologizing" I wrap my arms around his shoulders "I love you Mikey"

"I'm going to let you get some sleep, you have work tomorrow right?" 

"Yeah, tomorrow at 9 am" I huff "Goodnight"

"Goodnight" He smiles, walking out of my room. I lay back down, closing my eyes, begging for sleep, and soon I fall into a deep sleep. 

I wake up the next morning at 8, leaving me an hour to get ready. The first thing I do is jump into the shower, making it quick. I get out, changing into something simple. I go for a black t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, sliding on my black converse. I tie my hair up into a ponytail, applying eyeliner, and lip gloss. 

Walking over to Mikey's room, I knock on the door, hearing a tired groan from the other side. 

"I'm leaving for work, do you need anything?" I ask, peeking my head into his room.

"Besides more sleep? I'm good" He says, and I chuckle.

"Alright, I'll see you later then" I shut the door, walking back to my room. I grab my phone and slide it into the pocket of my jeans, before leaving my room, shutting the door behind me. I grab my car keys, and leave my apartment. I take the elevator down and walk out of the building to my car, driving to work. 

I stop by a coffee shop before going to work, getting myself a caramel latte, and a flat white for my boss. Call me a kiss ass, but I know she'd take mine if I didn't get her something. Once I get to work, I walk inside, sitting my coffee on my desk.

"Hi Dylan, nice to see you" Kendra, my boss, smiles.

"Nice to see you too, brought you a flat white" I hand her the coffee and her eyes light up.

"Oh you shouldn't have" She grins.

"It was no problem" I chuckle, walking back to my desk. I spend the rest of the day answering phone calls, and setting up appointments all while listening to gossip from other people. 

When I finally get home, I smile, but it's immediately wiped off my face at the body sitting on my couch.

"What are you doing here?" 


I love cliffhangers :D

And with switching povs it only adds to the suspense ;)

I love you all,


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