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Read my new story She Stayed, you won't regret it I promise :)

| austin |

I lay awake in my bed all night, I feel as if my head is about to explode. I roll around in my bed, repeatedly running a hand through my hair trying to ease my frustration but it never worked. 

I get out of bed, and walk out of my apartment, taking the elevator downstairs. I walk out to my car and get inside, driving to the park. I sit on the dock, my feet in the water below. I sit there until the sun begins to shine, and that's when I head back to my apartment.

When I reach my floor, the elevator doors open, and I walk out, nearly running into Dylan.

"Dylan-" I begin, but she cuts me off.

"Please stop, I don't want to talk to you" 

"I'm sorry" I frown "Please forgive me" I beg, though I know it was a long shot.

"I can't do that" She shakes her head, and I feel my heart clench "I love you, I really do and because of that I won't tell anyone. But I can't forgive you" She shakes her head again "But promise me something, don't do it again" She says and I nod.

"I won't, I promise" 

"Goodbye Austin" She kisses me cheek.

"I'll always love you" I whisper as she pulls away, not sure if she heard me.

"And I'll always love you" She says, walking into the elevator.

I stay there a while after the elevator doors close, snapping out of my daze when her apartment door opens. Michael walks out, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but all I know is that if you want to fix it, talk to her" He sighs "She's always been one for talking things out" He pats my shoulder before walking back into their apartment, leaving me to walk to mine.

I think over what he says as I sit at my kitchen counter, I need to talk to her, tell her why I'm so fucked up, maybe she'll take me back. 

Who am I kidding? Explaining to her how my childhood is the root of all of this won't get her to take me back, if anything she'll run away and stay away. 

I find myself checking the door every hour, waiting for Dylan to come out of the elevator. When She finally does, I run out, standing in front of her.

"What part of I don't want to talk to you do you not understand?"

"I understand all of it, but I just want to explain myself before you cut me off completely" I sigh, and she looks as if she's about to reject me "Please" 

"Fine" She sighs "Alright" 

I breathe out in relief as she follows me into my apartment, sitting down on my couch "Do you want anything?" I ask.

"Austin, can we just get this over with?" She runs her hand over her face "I've had a long day and I just want to bathe and go to sleep" 

"Right, I'm sorry" I sit down across from her "So, I guess I want to apologize again for last night. I didn't mean for any of it to happen because I love you with everything in me and I never want to hurt you" 

"Oh, but you wanted to hurt all those other women?" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Please Dylan, will you just listen to me?" I sigh, closing my eyes tightly "I don't have a full explanation for what I've done in the past, and I know blaming it on my childhood is pathetic, but it's the real reason. My mom was just like all of them, she'd leave me alone with my father while she went out to go sleep around, and even when he died she still did it. She gave me away because she didn't want me to hold her down when she was trying to have fun. I never forgave my mother, and I think that's why I always took it out on all those women. All of them were cheating on someone they loved and I hated it. Cheating is fucking wrong and no one should do it and once a cheater you always are" I grit, and Dylan looks taken back by my story.

"So you killed all those women because they were cheating? But you had to of cheated on me right? Because there were many other women found after we started dating" She scoffs.

"No, no I didn't" I shake my head "I never cheated and I would never cheat on you" 

"But you'd try to kill me?" 

"Why are you being like this?" I ask, taken back my her rudeness. 

"Being like what?"

"You're being so cold, and I'm trying to apologize to you" 

"I told you once and I'll tell you again, I'm not going to forgive you! You're fucking crazy! You think apologizing to me and telling me some sob story is going to make me forgive you for trying to kill me? It's not" 

"Please Dylan. I need you" I take her hands in mine, pleading "I love you"

"You made it just fine before I moved here, you don't need me" She stands up, pulling her hands from mine "You just think you do" 

"You're right" I huff, feeling angry "I don't need you. God, I was so fucking stupid to think that you'd ever stick around. You're just like everyone, you leave the moment something becomes too much for yo-"

"You tried to kill me! Explain to me how the hell that is leaving when something becomes too much! I'm not going to let you get angry with me, when you tried to hurt me" She screams. 

"You're right, like I said, you're right. So leave, go back to your apartment and I'll leave you alone for good. It'll be like we never met" 

"Fine" She shrugs "It's for the best anyways" She stomps out of my apartment, slamming the door behind her. 



I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Read my new story She Stayed, it's fucking lit already.

I love you all,


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