Abel cries for me and Chibs walks past, showing him to me, "There's your Mommy." He says and I give the small boy a reassuring rub before shaking my head, "Shit."

I quickly grab my purse before rushing out after everyone. The boys climb on their bikes while the rest of us get into my car and make our way over to the clubhouse, stopping at Tara's to grab her medical bag first. Once we arrive at the clubhouse, Gemma and I walk into her office and settle down boys while explaining to us what Bobby told her over the phone. Soon enough the sound of Harleys and trucks come in and I turn to Chuckie, "Stay with the boys." I instruct before we all make our way out to meet them.

As we reach Clay I notice Jax is not there and I turn to face him, "Where's Jax?" I ask, looking for my fiancé.

"He went after the shooter." He states and I look at him with wide eyes.

"What shooter?" Gemma asks, the question I'm unable to get out.

I look forward and see three men step out, all of them wearing Mayan cuts. One of them grips at his bloody shoulder and I recognise him as the leader, Alvarez.

"Jesus." Tara whispers before walking forward to attend to the man, "Get him into the clubhouse."

I notice Wayne pull up and I walk towards him as the others walk inside, "What the hell happened?" He asks, staring after the convoy of people.

"Long morning." I mumble before pulling out the letter that Tara received and I hand it over to him to read.

"Jesus." He whispers, reading it over.

"Someone left it in her car. Please see what you can find out about that." I say.

"Is the club watching her?" He asks and I nod my head, "Yeah, she won't leave our side."

He looks down at the note once more before nodding his head, "Okay, I'll uh... I'll dig into this."

I nod my head and give his shoulder a squeeze before making my way into the clubhouse to find out what's going on. I walk into the room and Clay glances over at me, "How is Tara?"

I shake my head, "Scared. Think the threat is real?" I ask, turning to face him.

"I don't know." He admits and I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"This thing with Alvarez, is it connected?" Gemma asks from beside him.

"I don't know that either."' He admits, pushing away from the bar and walking into church where Tara patches up Alvarez.

Gemma turns and faces Ope, "Where's Lyla and the kids?"

"Kids are with Mary, called the house but she was not there. She's gotta be at work." He explains .

"Go get her." Gemma instructs.

Opie nods and looks between us, "Call my old man, he's either at the house or at the cabin."

"I'm with Ope." Bobby calls out, following after him and Gemma and I turn and make our way towards the others when Tara walks out to her bag and I look at her, "I'm gonna call David, tell him to come down here as soon as he can."

She gives me a look and I return it, "You know that it's safer for him here."

She looks at me for a moment before nodding her head, "Yeah, okay."

Home (A Jax Teller/ Sons Of Anarchy Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ