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I stepped a foot on that bus. I started to shake up. I stepped up on the steps hitting the last step.
"Good morning Mrs.Sandra." I kindly say to her everytime I get on the bus.
"Good morning." She always replys. I shakingly walk down the aisle of the bus. I sit in seat 19 as usual every day. I didn't like this seat at all.
I couldn't stop shaking,therefor; I just take my phone and plug my earbuds in listening to some "Three Days Grace". My favorite song by them was "Fallen Angel" so I listened to that. I guess my friends noticed me shaking. They couldn't stop staring at me. They stared looking at me like I'm some type of lost puppy or some crap.
"Hey, what's wrong with y'all. Take a picture it lasts longer you know!" I slightly yelled at Tye,Slayton,and Jada. I shouldn't have done that they're only confused on what's wrong with me.
"Hey, I'm sorry I've just been... Ugh i dont know how to explain. I've just been through hard times okay I'm sorry. " I tried to apologize with my softest tone.
"Alexis, it's fine I know what you're going through. You told me its fine." Tye replied reassuring me I'm okay and I didn't do anything wrong. The bus soon arrived at the school and I walked of the bus,still shaking. I walked over to my hang out spot.
I gave Jonathan a neck,waist hug and kisses him as well. Then my friends and I walked across the street to the band room. After, band we went to second block. Then third and then everyone in 7th and 8th grade went out for break. I continued out of Coach Lauderdales room and walked at a pace out of the door to the outside break area.
I walked over to were my friends were. I couldn't help,but to shake the living day light out of myself. I walked up to Jonathan and just sat down on the bench. He sat down to holding my hand. Jonathan brought up our hands up to his lips and kissed them ever so slightly.
His soft lips!! Ugh I am so jealous of his soft lips and he puts nothing on them. I let go of his hand and held my knees starting to shake like a physiocotic female in a hospital or something In that order. I need to get away from this. I'm glad they blew the whistle to go inside maybe when I get into the classroom I can calm down.
Would I be able to calm down?

(Thanks again guys for so many reads I mean for real like 400 something reads that's incredible. Sorry for short chapter;). )

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