Dreadful Dream

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"What, where am I?" I was questioning myself since I was in some place that was black. I couldn't move still confused on where the heck I am. I start hearing yelling from a very slight far distant from where I was at.
"ALEXIS ALEXIS ALEXIS PLEASE HELP ME!!!" A very familiar voice yelled out my name. The voice soft yet very low just like....
"OH MY LORD TYE'S IN TROUBLE I HAVE TO HELP!" I yelled at myself trying to tell my body to move , but I couldn't move. It was like I was in some type of rope. I touch my arms and feel some type of rope .
"Ha I was right. Great I'm tied up how am I going to save Tye?" I talked to myself thinking I was going insane.
" HANG ON TYE I'M COMING!" I yelled out. I couldn't hear anymore yelling could who ever had Tye captive kill him? I see a slight glimpse of a shiny sharp thing on the ground.
" OH MY GOSH A KNIFE. I CAN CUT THIS ROPE." I congratulate myself for finding such an object. I pushed me and the chair I was in over to the knife. I try using my arms to get the knife.
"UGH. No use now Tye's gonna not live a happy life all because of me." I start crying . I wake up in my room with my pillow socken wet from all my crying. Could that really be a dream.......

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