Another Relationship

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The bus pulled up to the school and once again we all got off. We all where so happy,since some people just hated our bus driver. Me personally I loved her. I walked over to my hang out area with Andie,Jonathan,Gracie, and Trey. Of course, all of them we in a relationship still.
"Hey Andie me and Tye broke up." I told Andie reassuring her,so she knows what's going on.
"What did he do to you?" She asked me concerned,since she had to once dated Tye.
"Nothing... I just thought we were to close of friends. I guess..." I said sighing.
"Are you sure?" Andie calming me by patting my back.
"Yep." I said joyfully. We all walked over to the band room and walked inside. Gracie grabbed her trombone and her book from the band closet. Trey grabbed his trumpet and his book from the band closest. I grabbed my book and Flute from my book bag. Jonathan grabbed his sticks and book from the band closest as well. Andie wasn't in band,therefor she walked over to the gym where P.E. was at.
"Hey Gracie,Trey,and Jonathan did y'all practice the lines we had to practice." I asked.
"Nope,I don't need to practice." They all replied at the same time.
~ During Break ~
I was only curious where Andie have been. I suddenly, saw her with Jonathan's hoodie she had it folded up with a mad frown on her face. I was only curious what the heck was going on. I followed behind her. I hear voices yelling at each other.
"Here Jonathan. I breaking up with you,since what you did to me!" Andie yelled.
"Okay fine." Jonathan reassured himself.
~After A Couple Weeks Of That Break Up ~
People wouldn't talk to Jonathan because all the crapy rumors Andie was spreading. I still believed none of those things were true. Basically at that time everyone didn't want to talk to him. Some people judged me for even saying "Hi" to him. I'm just his friend and I'm never leaving his side no matter what causes.
So so so many people judge me and him for so many weeks I think it was a month actually. I loved Jonathan to much to leave him like these other jerks in his life. After all that mumbo jumbo it started to clear up who would think my dream actually came true...

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