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Later,that night I was sitting on my bed listening to P!NK. I love her music. She's a good singer to me. I'm addicted to P!NK recently. I was still wondering if I'm a good kisser.
I laid down on my bed,instead of sitting up. It took me atleast five minutes to get comfortable. Finally,after the tenth time I moved around I got comfortable. I was laying on my left side. I was so cold,so I decided to put some socks on.
I had to get up from being comfortable to get stupid socks. I got up went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of mix matched socks. I clumsily walked back to my bed tripping over almost everything I own. I had to get comfortable again. Oh,how I hated I had to get comfortable again and again.
"Ugh,great now I have to move ten more freakin' times." I yelled to myself. I got comfortable once again. Then, I started to drift asleep. I had the most worst dream.
Even,worse than my other dreams.
~ Dream ~
I woke up in my twin sized bed. I had a zebra,silk,patterned comforter. Then, I realized I wasn't in Ashford,Alabama anymore. I was back in Biloxi, Mississippi. I was back to where my sister,mom,and step-dad Brandon lived.
I just hated this place.
"WHY AM I HEAR?!" I yelled out loud.
"Last time I was here I got whipped with a leather belt on my back." I confirmed myself. I touch my lower back. There was nothing there,no bumbs,bruises, and scars. There was nothin on my back.
I know I had a scar on my back from my mom whipping me unless..
"Today, is the day where I got whipped. I don't want to relive that at all." I said as banging my head into a pillow. I got up and put some nice spring colored clothes on. I walked out of my small room and continued to the kitchen.
I sat down at the bar stool right under the bar.
"Mom, may you make me some bacon,eggs,and pancakes?" I asked slowly and peacefully.
"No,Alexis Gabrielle Clark, I will not cook food for you." She said yelling at me.
"What! I mean what did I do mom!" I yelled back feeling like I was getting disrespect.
"That's it! You don't talk back to me missy!" She yelled very annoyed.
"I'm going to get the belt,and by the time I get back you better still be here waiting to get what you deserve!" My mom continued yellowing,as she continued to her room. As much as,I was scared I had to stay there and wait for her to get back. If I didn't then I would get even more whips on my back. I mean I didn't even do anything to her.
"Alexis, I'm back you better be still there!" I heard my moms raspy voice yell across a close distance.
"Good, you're still here. Bend over now Alexis!" She yelled spitting into my face like I'm some type of trash.
"Yes mam." I said cowering. WHIP! That belt didn't hit my bottom like I thought it was going to. That belt hit my back so hard.
"Owwwwwww! Mom why did you hit my back? Did you miss my bottom or something?" I yelled at her face.
"No! You deserved more than anything to get a whippen on your back!" My mom was furious with me. As she yelled at me she pushed me to my room and laid me on my bed. She tucked me in my bed to where I couldn't move a centimeter.
"You're not getting up. You're not having breakfast or lunch and I will think about letting you have dinner." She said disappointed in me.
~ After Dream ~
I woke up seeing that I was in my room in Ashford,Alabama. I was so filled with joy. I touched my back and I still had that scar there. I hated that dream so much. It took me back to a bad memory.
"I wish Jonathan was here just hugging me. I wish he was here to tell me everything is going to be okay." I said whimpering and crying. Would, I still be okay after this dream?

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