Soft Lips

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Around 5 months into Jonathan and I's relationship I was thinking maybe we should kiss. I'm very happy because this is the longest relationship we both have been in. I'm so very happy. I just kept on thinking that we should kiss. I kept on telling myself I'm going to do it.
As shy as I am I decided not to do it for so long. I hated that I was a procrastinator at those things. I needed to kiss him. The fact is how? I never kissed anyone before.
How do I kiss someone? How do I know I'm a bad kisser? I had no clue if I should even ask Jonathan if I was a good kisser or not. I probably didn't need to ask him that. But,I wanna know if I'm a bad kisser or not.
Eh,I'll find out. Today was a Monday,and today would be the day I would kiss Jonathan not nervously,but passionately. I got off my bus as usual,continued walking over to the hang out area,and sat my stuff down like every single day. Jonathan wasn't there because he had already went inside the lunch room for some breakfast. He started to walk out of the lunch room with some breakfast.
I'm so glad he's eating. I hate it when he doesn't eat. It bothers the mess out of me.
"Good morning Alexis." I hear a voice I remember so clearly.
"Good morning Gracie." I replied being so very kind. The bell sounded and Jonathan threw his plate away. His plate was scarce. I was so glad he had eaten everything on his plate.
We all continued to the band room where today I would kiss Jonathan. As,we all were walking I gave Jonathan a little sign letting him know I wanted to hold his hand. Oh,how much it felt good to be in his grip. We all walked into the band room. Jonathan walked into the instrument cubby room and I followed.
"Don't go in that cubby room just yet!" I heard Gracie yelling at people trying to protect me from getting caught. I walked over to Jonathan hugged him, and kiss him. I didn't kiss him on the cheek. This was my first ever kiss and I kissed him on his lips.
Oh how his soft lips felt so good. He has told me before he puts nothing on his lips to make them soft. They're so very soft. I let go and walked out the cubby room. Jonathan continued after me.
Everyone in the band assembled their instruments and sat down and started to practice.
~ Skip All Of School ~
I got home and chilled. I was so curious to see If was a good kisser. I was curious if he would ever want to make eye contact with me again. I was scared he would want to break up with me. Would he break up with me? Would he say I'm a good kisser?

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