Secrets Out, lifes Done

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I started to call Jonathan's cell phone. After, the third ring he picks up.
"Hey.what did you need to tell me that was so important?" His sweet,kind voice spoke through the speaker on his phone.
"Well.... I had a secret and since you're my closet friend, I told myself Jonathan needed to know my secret." I said to the speaker of my phone as I'm shaking even trying to hold my phone.
"Well.. come on tell me please." He said begging for me to tell him already.
" I'm scared though. It's the first time I ever told anyone this,plus I'm to shy , can't I just text it to you?" I said sliding under my covers as if he was in the room with me.
"No. No texting please tell me Alexis." He kept on begging till I got tired of it.
"OKAY! Fine I'll tell you! I like you and I always have. I could say I loved you. I would hate just hate to lose you. You mean to much to me in my life ever let go of you in my life.I can't just have a normal conversation with you I always wanted it to be more than that. I can't even talk to you without looking into your sky blue eyes!" I yelled into the speaker and ended the call. I shouldn't have ended it before Jonathan could even say a word.
My phone dinged and I look to the top of my screen and find that Jonathan has texted me "I love you to..." I sat on my bed in disbelief. School the next morning was going to be fun I thought to myself. I was thinking to much I needed sleep I told my self. I suddenly, closed my eyes and went to sleep.
"Sas,it's time to get up." My brother and his sweet voice reminded me it was school and that I had to get up. I got up and went to my bathroom and turned on my lights and grabbed a towel,to cover my mirror. My fear is mirrors I always didn't like them. I brushed my teeth,got dressed,pulled my hair up into a pony tail,and finally walked downstairs.
I ,once again, skipped the kitchen. I went to sit my stuff down right next to the door , therefore I won't forget it on the way out the door to my bus. I wasn't a much of a talker in the morning,nor did I eat anything. I was the type of person that plugs her earphones in a listens to her favorite bands in the morning. The clock turned 7:05. Time for me and my brother to go out to the bus I consoled to myself.
"Mace,it's time to go to the end of the driveway. Come on bro."I reminded mason and I helped him get his things together and we headed out the door. The Bus was here early. It's usually down to my drive way about 7:12 or 7:15. I walked up to the bus and stepped on and sat down in seat 19.
"Be quite!" I heard the substitute bus driver yell out loud. The Bus stopped at a very hard hult. The Bus stopped since school was right beside it. I got off shaking. I was very nervous.
I walked over to my spot where I hang in the mornings. I noticed Jonathan was just standing there staring at my forest green,hazel eyes. I walked over to him sitting my stuff down on the bench. I didn't speak to him at all. I felt bad.
"Hey.." Jonathan said to me.
"Hi.." I said nervously,and shaky to where point I just fell down. Jonathan was kind enough to help me up. Me,Gracie,Trey,and Jonathan all walked over to the band room.
~ At Break ~
Some how people found out what I told Jonathan. I know Jonathan would never ever tell my secret. I only told one other person Gracie. Gracie could have spread the word. I knew I couldn't trust her.
Now everyone won't talk to me. They won't even look at me. My good friend Troy practically hated me ,as well with Timothy he hated me to . I really really hate Gracie right now. I knew I could never trust her
My life is ruined. What would happen next in my life? How would I survive all this haterid?

(HEY GUYS!! I just recently got 146 reads and so many votes and comments on this story. THANK YOU GUYS SO VERY MUCH I DIDNT DESERVE ANY OF THIS! Thanks so much once again)

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