It All Started With Blue eyes

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~At Home~
I couldn't help, but to just think about mine and Tye's eyes meeting. That's all I could think about. It was around 8 or so when I layed in my bed to try to sleep.
" Ugh I can't sleep. I just want to know what is going to happen tomorrow since our eyes met." I had a little chat with myself. As my eyes lids slowly,but surely closed I had fallen asleep thinking of our eyes meeting once again. I woke up in my "Star Trek" shirt and red gym shorts. I sluggishly walked down my stairs to eat breakfast. Unfortunately, I don't ever ever eat breakfast. I'm not usually a breakfast or morning person.
I just walked past the kitchen into the bathroom,so I could take a shower since that's the only thing that wakes me up in the morning. After, the nice luke warm shower I put jell in my hair and put clothes on and walk out the door onto my bus. I ride a bus now I though it would be easier since both my parents are working.
~2nd Period~
" You know what Gracie?" I gave her a simple question to answer.
" What Alexis?"She replied with kinda a snobby attitude.
" I never noticed me and Tye have the same classes in 2nd,4th,and 6th periods." I had kinda a stalkerish smile crept onto my face.
" Oooo, is someone crushing so hard?" Gracie had a smile on her face chuckling.
" Pst. No I don't have no freaking clue what you're talking about. You must be phyco." My face turned fire truck red as I started to kinda blush. Gracie during 2nd period told me all about Tye , since I just started liking him a knew nothing about him. The more and more she told me stuff about him the more and more I liked him.
I guess I liked him ,so much since one thing his eyes, second he looks freaking good in camouflage, third he likes football and also plays, fourth he likes video games (BattleField everyone) , and finally he is so very kind.
~ A Couple Of Weeks Later ~
Somehow I got Tye's number. I started to sit down there with him and his buds. They all seem to get a good laugh out of me.
~ At Home ~
Before I knew it I was already Oovooing him. I was actually face caming him. It was so great. Untill I told him something....

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