Relationship Going Good

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The bell sounded and it was time to go to the buses,since 7th period had just ended. What's great about me dating Tye is we can walk with each other to our bus since we ride the same bus. As we walked to our bus we tAlked for a bit and stepped onto the steel steps to the bus we both sat in seat 19(that's the seat were I always sit). We talked even more on the bus. Mrs.Sandra put the bus to a holt and it was time for me to get off the bus. Sad thing is that today was Friday and if I get off the bus then I can't see my loving boyfriend for the whole weekend.
"BYE Alexis have a nice weekend." Tye slightly yelled to me before I got off the bus. I walked down my drive way and turn back and wave a nice good bye to Tye.
" Heh, good thing I have his number,and his oovoo." I reminded myself. As I stepped into my large house I sit my stuff on the steps and get a glass of water(waters the only thing I like drinking). I pull out my IPhone 4 and start texting the best person in the world.
~ Texting Conversation~
Me: Hey Tye
Tye: Hey Alexis
Me: Ugh I hate weekends no time to see the best person in my life.
Tye: I wonder who that best person is;).
Me: Oh Tye you know perfectly who that person is.
Me: I'm going to oovoo you okay.
Tye: okay but I can't talk long.
~ After texting ~
I put my phone into my back pocket because I hate carrying purses. I decided to bring my glass of water to my room along with my phone,book bag, and flute( I play in a band at my school). As I walk up stairs I think I should probably make up my bed. When I walk inside there is no need to because I'm a freaking clean freak. As I turn on my music I see my phone buzzing reading " Tye oovooing" I click on the yellowish orange bar at the top of my screen and I see his face.
" DANGIT. I forgot to turn my face cam off." He yelled through the Mic.
" Why do you want to hide that handsome face away from me." I kinda blushed as I said that.
"I LOOK HORRIBLE! Especially at night." Tye yet again yelled through the Mic. We chatted for a while until he had to go and I needed sleep. I went to sleep and had a awful awful dream...........

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