Changed Life

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~Back From School~. "Ugh school was so terrible." I talked aloud. I practically hate living with my mom,stepdad,and little sister. I mean when do I ever get attention. I never ever ever EVER get attention. My sister gets what she wants she can break a bowl on purpose and say I did it and not get in trouble. Then you have my mom taking out a belt/whip on my back every time I would blame my sister for something she did. The only place I can really escape this horrid life im living is to go to my dads house to visit him. School is okay to escape from here I mean school was horrid to,but any place is better then this revolting,vile, and vulgar place. I don't even think I can ever call this place my home.
" I wanna move with my dad mom I can't take living here anymore may I please get your permission to move with my dad?" I said very seriously.
"Fine, but there is no coming back sweetheart." Mom said kinda disappointed. Soon as I knew it,all my stuff was in the black bed of my dads truck and I was going to live a more happier, gleeful life. As I thought ..

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