Okay Weekend

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I sit up in my bed still upset from that awful dream last night. I suddenly, fall off my bed onto the carpet head first. I got up my legs very unsteady. I just feel to my knees. My legs just couldn't work after that dream. I honestly, thought my heart skipped a beat .
"Eh, maybe I'm pekish . I haven't been eating lately I need to eat something." I walk down stairs. The last 4 steps from the bottom I trip, since my legs once again stop working. My step-mom runs over there to help me up. She had some eggs cooking for me.
" Are you okay sas?" Cricket said concerned.
"I'm fine. Just a little hungry." I told my step-mom the truth(my nicknames sas get over it). I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed me a banana,since I'm not the mood to eat anything at all and I don't really like eggs. Today, was a school day. At least I get to see Tye. Can't forget to mention my band mates: Jonathan,Gracie,and Trey. I just love my friends they have always been there for me.
"Is that all you're going to eat sas?" Cricket questioned me very very concerned.
"Yes, cricket I'm fine I'm not hungry at all." I said trying to give her relief. Well, the school bus was starting up the road , so I grabbed my bookbag,lunchbox,and flute and started out the door. As, soon as I got to the end of the drive way the bus was already there waiting for me to get on. I stepped on the steps looking around for Tye and I saw him.
" Few what a relief he's still hear." I whispered to myself as moving my hand to move fake sweat off my head.
"Hey Alexis, how was your weekend?" Tye's sweet,soft,low tone comforted me.
"It was okay..." I said very unsure with my life right now. Do I need to break up with Tye? What that dream trying to tell me something?

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