I did

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~ At Home ~
I walked inside my front door. I sat all my stuff down and ran upstairs to my room. I love my room I can escape everything and not be judged up in my room. I got to the last step and was at the top of the steep steps. I opened my door ran onto my bed and feel on it face first.
"Ugh school. So so very long today. I just want to lay here and hug you bed. " I talked to a unliving object. What am I ? Some kind of psycho. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I decided to text Jonathan, since I feel a big connection with him,and I think we are pretty close.
~ Texting Conversation ~
Me:Hey Jonathan I need to your help very badly.
Jonathan: okay what do you need help with?
Me:Tye how do I tell him easily I don't want to be with him that I just want to stay friends.
Jonathan: just let him down easy.
Me:okay thanks so much you're the best truly.
Jonathan: hey no problem.
~ End of Conversation ~
Okay Alexis when you wake up in the morning you get on that bus confidentiality and tell Tye how you really truly feel.
"Tomorrow's gonna be a good day.I wonder how he will take it..."

(Sorry short chapter I had to write three other ones to catch up on my schedule.)

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