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I sat my stuff down onto the bench as usual. I walked over to Jonathan and stared into his eyes. Oh how I just get lost in them. If I stare into his eyes to long I might get lost in them to much,and not notice anything going on around me. People stared talking to me,and I also replied.
I was ,so joyful that the fact people actually wanted to talk to me again. Then I hear a soft calming voice call my name. I practically knew who's voice it was. It was Jonathan's voice.
"Hey Alexis,I have a surprise for you on Sunday okay?" He gave me a smirk and his eyes looked deep into my forest green eyes. I got lost into his eyes a lot. I couldn't help it. It had became a habit for me to get lost in his eyes.
"Umm... Okay but why not now?" I replied questioning his logic. Since,it's was February Sunday is the fourteenth,which is Valentine's Day.
"I want it to be very very special okay." Jonathan reassured his logic. The school bell had rang and we all scattered out the doors to our buses. Every period I was in I couldn't focus on work. I focused on Jonathan.
I focused on what he was going to tell me.Why did it need to be special? I hopped on the steps on the bus. Finally, getting to my house after one million stops. I hopped off the bus as well.
I went inside my house sat down at my table and thought.
~ Next Day ~
Today was a Saturday. I couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan. This Saturday was pretty boring,since tommorrow was Valentine's Day.
~ Valentine's Day ~
Today I woke up really early ,since I had church. Church was really fun. After,church we went to go eat a Valentine's lunch. We finally started home.
"I can't wait, today is the day when I find out what's so important that Jonathan needed to tell me." I get home hop out of my dads red diesel truck. I ran inside the house and pulled out my phone. I got no texts from Jonathan at all ,until around 11:35. I suddenly see a small bar at the top of my screen pop up.
It says," Text Message Jonathan." I open it to see he texted me.
"Alexis I know this is kinda awkward and all but I want it to be special. Today is Valentine's Day and I was wondering if you wanted to .... GO OUT WITH ME?" He texted me with a nervous face. I didn't reply.
I thought it would be a better idea if I reply in person. How would I tell him in person? Did I keep putting it off?

(Hey dudes, thanks again for the reads and the votes. I couldn't ask for a better small cummunity such as this one. I'm so very thankful and I didn't expect to get this far. Thank you guys so much again for your support.)

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