"Aww, is little Lee scared of the dark? Your face was priceless," She chuckled. This time, I heard someone join her. I looked over my shoulder to see Nate holding a hand over his mouth to stifle his laugh but it wasn't working. I glared at him.

He held his hands out in front of him. "I wasn't laughing at you, I swear."

"Yeah right. You wouldn't be laughing when I would do that to you, now would you?" He opened his mouth to reply. I cut him off. "Be warned. Now go back to your little daydreaming session."

"Aw, you guys are so cute! Are you going out together now?" Tori cooed from the row before us.

Nate and I exchanged looks of horror. Is that what we look like? A couple? Ew, hell to the no.

Before any of us could reply, we heard someone exclaim loudly. "There you are!"

We turned to see Victor going up the stairs. He had a slight scowl on his face which then turned into surprise when he saw us then to annoyance. I laughed before he settled with exasperation.

"Tori!" He grumbled. He went to sit beside her. "You gave our position away! Now, we can't do what we first planned."

"Sorry," Tori sheepishly smiled. "I can't help it. I had this chance to make Leah pull a Ben Stellar."

"Really? Ugh. Well why didn't you tell me you were planning on making her go all Scaredy Ben like?"

"It must have slipped my mind." Tori smirked. "And it was a spur-of-the moment decision."

"Spur-of-the-moment my ass!" He crossed his arms over his chest and pulled out semi-sulky look. "I know you always had the chance because Leah wouldn't know when you would attack. So basically, you planned this out awhile ago."

"Damn, you know me so well." She muttered under her breath but my heightened hearing picked it up. I smirked.

Nate poked me behind the chairs, being very subtle about it. I glanced at him for a moment and a connection passed between us. I smirked. I had found my little payback.

"Aww, isn't that cute," Nate imitated Tori's teasing just a few minutes ago. "They're finally a couple!"

"What?!" Tori and Victor shouted almost immediately. Then they continued, still simultaneously. "Oh, hell no!"

Nate and I wore the same masks of surprise. Gosh, they were so in sync. It's like they were preprogrammed to yell the same stuff together. I chuckled at both of them, followed by Nate.

"You guys are so adorable!" I said, still laughing. "Now I'm guessing that you were about to play the spying game we used to do."

Tori furrowed her eyebrows. "How did you know?"

"Victor's expression. We both know he loves playing that game because it makes him feel very cool for once."

"Ouch. So you're saying I'm not cool." Victor pouted but I know he knows I was just joking.

"You're always cool, my little Vicky. But when you play 'spy' it makes you feel even cooler. That's what I was saying."

Victor was about to reply when the person behind him said, "Shh! The movies starting."

My friend shut his mouth And glared at the stranger. He stood and grabbed Tori's hand, muttering, "C'mon, Tor. The others will be wondering where the hell we are. And we don't want them having mental images, now do we?"

"Okay," She stood and followed him. "See you later, guys." She winked at me before going down the stairs and disappearing.

I looked towards the screen and was just in time for the title to appear. I chuckled softly as I read 'Three Idiots'. This movie's obviously going to be awesome.

Spiritual Ascend (Book 1 of the Spirit Trilogy) [ON HOLD...SORRY!!]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें