15- Sharing The Bed

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Dean is awoken by a loud knock on his bedroom door. He rubs his eyes and sighs.

"Come in!" Dean calls out in his gravelly voice. He reaches over his nightstand and turns on the lamp as the door opens.

"I'm sorry to have awoken you." The ex-angel apologizes.

"Nah, it's fine, man." Dean sits up and pats the space next to him.

Castiel closes the door behind him and walks over to Dean's bed. He sits down next to him and looks at the hunter.

"What's up?" Dean asks. Castiel opens his mouth to reply, but Dean interrupts.

"And don't say something that's literally up." Dean says. Castiel nods.

"I..I can't sleep.." The ex-angel says. "I've been having nightmares."

"What about?"

"Mostly about..." Castiel trails off and looks down at his hands.

"You can tell me, Cas." Dean encourages him.

"The most recent one.. was when Naomi controlled me." Castiel looks up and Dean notices his eyes are watery.

"Okay..what happened?" Dean asks softly.

"When I was abusing you to get the t-tablet..." Castiel blinks away tears, "I actually k-killed y-you.."

Dean doesn't know what to say. He just scoots closer to Castiel and wraps his arms around him. Castiel burries his head into the crook of his neck and clings onto his black T-Shirt.

"I-I s-stabbed you the h-heart.." Castiel starts to cry quietly.

After the ex-angel had woke up from his nightmare, jumped out of bed and ran over to Dean's room. He had to know that he was okay.

"Shhh, shh, it's okay, Cas. I'm okay." He rubs Castiel's back in an effort to calm him.

"I'm sorry.." He cries. Dean pulls back to look at him, holds Castiel's arms in his hands.

"Cas, everything is okay." Dean tells him, looking into his eyes. His eyes are blue, surrounded by red because of crying. Tears are streaming down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, buddy." Dean says, "I'm fine and alive. You didn't kill me."

Dean releases one of his arms and brings his hand up to his cheek. He wipes away some of his tears.

Castiel eventually is only gasping and sniffling. Then he hiccups.

"Let's go get you some water." Dean stands up gets out of bed and waits for Castiel at the door.

Castiel gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen with Dean. When they get to the kitchen, Dean tells Castiel to sit down at the table. He obeys and sits down as Dean gets him a water bottle.

"Take sips." Dean says as he sits down next to Castiel and places the water bottle on the table.

Castiel takes the water bottle and drinks a small amount every few seconds.

"How did you do it?" Castiel asks all of a sudden.

"How'd I do what?" Dean asks.

"Act like your nightmares never happened." Castiel says. He's now breathing normally and his eyes are losing the pink. Dean sighs and shrugs.

"I didn't sleep for nights at a time, so they never happened." Dean says, "Plus I had to be strong...for Sammy."

Castiel nods and looks into Dean's emerald green eyes. Dean looks back at Castiel's unbelievable blue eyes.

After a while, Dean clears his throat and looks away.

"So, uh, you wanna talk about other nightmares you've had?"

"No.." Castiel responds, shaking his head. The other nightmares are fine. The ones he can't get over, are about Dean.

"Do you think you'll be able to sleep again?" Dean asks. Castiel shrugs slightly.

"You stay in my room with me, if it makes ya feel better." Dean offers.

"Are you sure?" He asks, "I don't want to be a bother."

"Positive. Now come on." Dean says and stands up.

Castiel walks besides Dean to his room.

Dean climbs into his bed and waits for Castiel to lie down under the sheets before turning off the lights.

Dean lies down on his back and closes his eyes. He feels an arm being snaked over his waist and a body cuddle up against his side. Plus weight on his chest.

He opens his eyes and sees Castiel pressed up against him. His head is on Dean's chest and an arm is over his waist.

Dean votes against moving him and wraps an arm around Castiel. He closes his eyes again and falls into peaceful sleep.

The next morning, Dean asks if he had any nightmares. He didn't.

That night, Castiel tries to sleep in his own room. He just ends up in Dean's bed again.

From then on, they sleep in the same bed every night.

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