46- Bookstore AU

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[Summary: Castiel goes to a bookstore, in which he finds an attractive male.

Word count: 1,079]

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Castiel walks into the building and takes a look around at his new surroundings.

He and his family have recently moved to South Dakota.

They're almost done packing and Castiel was allowed to walk to the bookstore to check it out.

The book store looks smaller than it actually is. The wooden shelves are tall and wide, spread out through long halls. A café is on the right, and three check out counters on the left.

It's pretty empty here, most likely because it's very early in the morning.

Castiel saunters the aisles, taking out a book every now and then to read the summary.

He ends up with three books by the time his mother calls to tell him to return home.

Behind the register, on the opposite wall, there's a boy sitting on a counter. His feet dangling slightly.

He's about Castiel's age (which is 16). He has dirty blond hair, a red flannel shirt with a grey T-Shirt underneath, faded blue jeans, and brown boots. He also has black glasses.

The blond haired boy is currently reading Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake, about halfway through the book.

Castiel walks up to the counter, and places the books on the counter. He clears his throat, but the male doesn't look up.

"Excuse me?"

The boys looks up and meets Castiel's gaze.

Castiel can clearly see his amazing green eyes from behind the clear lenses. He wrings the cuffs of his tan trenchcoat and tries not to breathe so quickly.

"Oh, hey." He boy smiles and retrieves a bookmark.

Castiel can't help but smile back.

"Hello." Castiel replies quietly.

The emerald eyed male hops off the counter, after placing the bookmark in his book and placing it to the side.

"Did you find everything okay?" He asks, taking a few steps to be in front of the register.

"Um, yes, I-I did." Castiel stutters, still wringing the cuffs of his trenchcoat.

"Shy?" Dean observes, raising an eyebrow. He beings to scan the books' barcode.

Castiel just nods.

"I'm Dean, you can ask me for help at any time if you need it, there's no need to be shy around me. I promise it won't be any trouble." Dean says with a kind smile, and tells him the total.

"Thank you.." Castiel responds timidly. He retrieves his wallet from a trenchcoat pocket and gives Dean the money, "I'm Castiel."

Dean looks up from the register with another smile, "Castiel?"

"Yes." Castiel nods.

Dean chuckles as he takes out the change from the register. Castiel tilts his head to the side and furrows his brows.

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