57 - Growing Horns AU

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[Requested by Brook3423: "I've been dying for some sort of read where Dean is a demon, (born one) along with Sam. Castiel is an angel and Dean and him become friends. Dean is growing in his horns and Castiel comforts him... I want it so bad but I can't find any fanfiction that suits my needs..."

I'm so sorry it took so long! Thank you for being so patient and I hope you like it.]

Third Person's P.O.V.

Dean at the speed of sound, away from the burning house. Dean clutches his little brother, Sam, tightly as they watch their house in horror. Their house is in flames, roaring from John can be heard inside. Sam covers his ears tightly, attempting to block out their father's screaming. Sam is crying, but Dean's face is blank. He must be strong for Sammy and protect him like he always has.

Dean's black eyes are reflecting the hot colors of the fire as he stares. Hatred builds up in the demon. First, his mother was killed by angels, then, their father became addicted to alcohol. John went on for years of endless searching for the angels, which he never found. Now, their house is burning down with their father's skin is slowly burning. He doesn't even know if family lives around the area, they haven't contacted any of them for years.

Due to staring at the flames, Dean doesn't notice someone approaching them. He gets tapped on the shoulder and he jumps, most likely scaring Sam too. The touch was feather-like, but it still managed to scare him. He turns and there's an angel standing next to them, his wings are black at the arch and slowly fade to dark blue. Dean immediately pushes Sam behind him.

"What do you want?" Dean growls, he feels Sam's hand clutching his scaly tail.

"We're trying to help," the angel replies. He looks at the house and Dean turns his head to see what he's looking at.

"DAD!" Sam cries out.

John is now outside, pleading for the pain to stop. Dean cannot do anything but stand there. It's too late when the angels help. The flames slowly disappear from John and the home. John's skin is bubbling as he falls onto the grass with a thud. John's face is dark and warped, his mouth and eyes looking like they're about to melt off. The burning scent of the skin and wood fill the air. Dark gray clouds work their way into the air. Dean covers Sam's eyes, hoping that his crying had blurred his vision. He turns Sam away from the corpse.

"Whatever you do Sammy, don't look over there," Dean whispers.

The angel is looking at them sadly. Dean looks around them and they're surrounded. There are too many angels here just to save a demon. They could smite them at any second with a snap. He holds Sam firmly and with a flick of his pointy tail, they're gone the angels' presence. Just because they "tried to save" John, doesn't mean they won't kill them.

Sam and Dean sit on a cold bench, still in shock. Dean's now green eyes look into Sam's hazel ones. Dean wipes away his little brother's tears and gives an encouraging smile.

"Everything's going to be okay, Sammy," Dean says.

"But he's gone now," Sam sniffles.

"I know," Dean says sadly, "But we'll figure this out. We can go walk around and see if we recognize any one."

"Okay, Dean."

Most of that night was spent walking around, avoiding angels. He's been taught that angels can communicate telepathically, so he's staying as far as possible. Wondering the dark streets, demons pay no attention to them, as if they were invisible.

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