12- Wisdom Teeth AU

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Dean's P.O.V.

I walk into the dentists' office and up to the front desk. The receptionist has black hair and white skin. Her name tag says, "Hannah".

"Hey, Hannah." I say when I walk up. She looks up at me and I see that she has blue eyes.

They remind me of Cas's, but his are definitely bluer, brighter, and overall just better.

"Hello." She says kindly.

"I'm here for Castiel Novak. He's getting his wisdom teeth out." I tell her. She nods and types some things in the computer.

"He's just come out of surgery. Would you like to go to the room he's in?" She asks, looking back at me.

"Yeah, sure." I nod.

"He's through that hallway, third door to your left." She says gesturing to the hallway.

"Thanks." I say, looking away from the hallway to her. She nods as she smiles and I walk away.

I decide to knock on the door instead of just barging in like I usually would do. The door opens revealing someone with blue scrubs on.

"Hey, is Castiel-" I get cut off my my best friend.

"Deeeaaaann." I hear him say and giggle.

The man moves away from the door and lets me walk in.

"He's been talking about you a lot." He says, taking a seat on a stool. I look over at Cas, who's lying down on a dentist chair.

"Really?" I ask, looking back at the guy in the scrubs. He nods.

"Shhhh, I don't want him to know I have a crush on him!" Castiel whisper-yells to the guy. I raise my eyebrows at Cas.

"I'll leave you two here. Whenever you're ready to leave, just go to the front desk and check him out." He says and gets up from the stool, leaving me with Cas.

"Hiya, Cas." I say, walking over to him. He looks at me with those big blue eyes of his.

"Hello, Dean." He giggles. He is so adorable.

"You ready to go home?" I asks, he shakes his head quickly.

"Nuuu!" He whines, "I wanna stay here with youuuu."

"How about I stay over tonight, sound good?" I suggest.

"M'kay." He nods.

"Alright. Let's get you up." I say, and grab his hand to help him sit up.

"You strong..ya know dat?" Cas stumbles into my chest when he stands. I chuckle, he always speaks so properly, it's funny to hear him talk like this.

"Can you try to walk?" I ask, he nods and carefully pushes himself off my chest. He walks forwards a few steps but then stumbles to the side.

I walk up to him and put an arm around his waist. He giggles as we walk out to the receptionist's desk. I lead him to a chair and he sits down.

I walk back over to Hannah and check him out. She gives me a small packet of gauzes and tells me to replace them in two hours or so. She also informs me that he shouldn't eat solid foods, coffee or anything. To give him yogurt and things like that instead.

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