53- Schizophrenia AU

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[Summary: Castiel suffers from Schizophrenia. Voices make him suffer everyday. One of his voices, Claire, helps him call Dean.

   It may not be completely accurate, but I tried my best.


      *WARNINGS*: Name calling, hallucinations, suicide mentions.]

Voice number 1 - Nice, little girl
Voice number 2 - Deep, male voice
Voice number 3 - Female, talks in whispers

•  •

Third Person's P.O.V.

      He's awake. Worthless. They're out to get you. Dean's gone, where is he? He left, he's dead. He's just- Help!! Stupid girl, shut up! Someone's behind you.

   Castiel turns to look behind him to find a white wall. He sighs and turns back to their room. The words they're saying are still as clear as the sun is bright. He gets up from bed and goes to the bathroom.

   He uses the toilet and washes his hands, avoiding looking in the mirror. He walks back to their room, where the voices stop for a moment. At the foot of the bed, is Claire. She looks like a five year old, she's blonde, and is wearing a white night gown that drags on the floor.

   She looks at him with big, sad, gray eyes and whines, "I need him."

   Castiel stares as she disinagrates, the whispers getting louder. He should call Dean, or at least text him. Claire usually comes when he's likely to have an psychotic break.

      Don't bother him, you useless peice of shit. Call him.. Don't- What was that? Die. Someone's watching you.

   Instead of getting his phone, he walks into the kitchen. He sees his pill bottle on the counter and walks to the fridge. After getting a bottle of water and opening it up, he opens his pill bottle.

      Don't take it. Don't do it, you'll die, it's poison. Take it. Don't take the fucking pill, throw them away. Poison. If you're going to take them, take all of them. Kill yourself. He's gone, I need him.

   When Castiel sees a tarantula crawl out the pill bottle, he throws the bottle and backs away. The pills spill onto the counter, some dropping to the floor. He can only hear whispers.

   He walks out the kitchen and heads towards the back of the house. He goes to the backyard and sits outside on the green grass.
                                  - - - - - -
   Castiel was diagnosed with Schizophrenia at the age of 20 (he is now 22), the cause for it is unknown. He told his most trusted friend (now boyfriend), Dean, about what was going on. That he heard voices and saw things that weren't there. He knew something was wrong when he asked Dean if he heard and saw things too, and he said no.

   Dean suggested to see a doctor to see what was going on. It took Castiel a while, but he did go to the doctors, who provided an office number for a psychologist.

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