16- Married To An Angel AU

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Dean walks in through the doorframe and closes the door behind him. He takes off his jacket and tosses it on the couch.

"Honey, I'm home!!" Dean yells and starts to make his way upstairs. His husband, Castiel, meets him halfway.

"Hello, Dean." He says.

Dean smiles and presses his lips against Castiel's. Castiel still blushes whenever this happens and they've been married for a few years now.

They pull back after a while and stare into each other's eyes. They stay silent for a while until Dean breaks it.

"How's your day been?" He asks.

"Good. I volunteered at an animal shelter today." Castiel says with a smile, Dean smiles back at him.

"That's nice. Did you have fun?"

"Yes, I did." Castiel smiles, "One of the puppies reminded me of you."

"Really?" Dean chuckles, "How so?"

"It has beautiful green eyes, brown fur, is always hungry and kept humping a certain dog with black fur."

"Sounds like me." Dean laughs.

Castiel chuckles and suddenly becomes shy. He looks down at his feet and shuffles awkwardly.

"You alright, angel?" Dean asks, concerned.

"Can you clean my wings now? Something is bothering me.." Castiel asks, his big blue eyes looking back up to Dean's green ones.

"Of course, Cas." Dean smiles. He grabs his lover's hand takes them upstairs to their bedroom.

Dean tells Castiel to take off his clothes, as he goes into their bathroom and starts him a bath. Of course Castiel can wash them himself, but he's gotten used to Dean washing them now.

He takes off his shirt first, which lets his black wings be free.

Castiel stays in his boxers and walks into the bathroom. Dean is watching the water rise in the tub. He turns to Castiel and tells him to get into the tub.

Castiel obeys and sinks half of his body into the warm water.

"Is the water okay for you, feathers?"

"Yes, it is." Castiel says, looking up at him. Dean smiles and walks away to get liquid soap for his black wings, then goes out to get towels.

Once the water has risen enough, Castiel reaches over and turns off the water and waits for his husband.

Dean comes back with the soap and two towels. He places the towel on the sink then kneels beside the bathtub with the soap.

"Sorry if I don't do this careful enough and get you horny." Dean apologizes.

"Dean, we both know that wasn't a sincere apology."

Dean chuckles and dips his hands in the warm water and pours a small amount of soap on his palm. He takes one of the wings gently and starts lathering it. He rubs the soap in gently into his wing.

Dean feels something weird under a feather and reaches under the feather to take it out. It's a leaf. Castiel visually relaxes.

"Was that what was bothering you?" Dean asks, tossing it into the garbage.

"Yes, it was." Castiel says.

"How long has that been bothering you for?"

"A few hours."

Dean keeps lathering the wing gently.

"So how was work?" Castiel asks after a while of silence.

"Same ol', same ol'." Dean says, "Well, actually.."

"What?" Castiel asks, playing with the feathers of his other wing.

"Your ex-boyfriend, Balthazar came to the garage. Needed a new tire."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"Not really. He's still hot." Dean says, Castiel splashes him with water using one of his wings.

"Oh, c'mon Cas." Dean chuckles, "You know you're the smartest, nicest, hottest, most adorable thing ever." Castiel blushes.

"And no one will ever be able to replace you." Dean leans over the tub and places a kiss on the back of his head through his raven hair.

"I love you, Dean." Castiel says with a smile.

"And I love you, Cas."

His hands "slips" and touches his wing in a way that makes Castiel turn bright pink. Dean smirks and runs his hand through sensitive feathers again.

"Dean, you did that on purpose." Castiel says, turning a dark shade of pink.

"I know." Dean says and does it again. This time Castiel moans.

"Do you not want me to?" Dean asks. Castiel doesn't say anything.

Dean starts to pour water on his wings, using a small bowl. He touches a few feathers in a certain way a few times.

Once Dean has rinsed his black wings out, he helps Castiel up.

"Don't flap your wings because that makes a mess I don't want to clean up."

"I could clean it up." Castiel says.

"You never want to."

"That's true." Castiel agrees and leans down and unplugs the bathtub.

Dean gives a towel to Castiel. They both start drying the angel's wings. Once that's done, Castiel steps out and dries himself from the waist down.

Dean takes the towels and throws them into the hamper that's in the corner of the bathroom.

Castiel walks up to him and presses his lips against Dean. Dean smiles in the kiss and turns his head to the side to deepen it.

Castiel brings his arms to wrap around his neck. Dean wraps an arm around his waist and brings another one up to his hair and tugs on it.

Castiel moans in their kiss and slides a hand down to his jeans and tugs on the buckle of his belt.

Dean slides his hands down to the back of his knees and lifts him up to be on his waist. Castiel wraps his legs around him and continues kissing him as Dean walks up to their bed.

~~~~~~ [Skipping smut. I don't know if it's okay with any of you, so tell me in the comments if it's okay to write smut. I need to know for future one shots.]

Dean falls on his back next to his loving husband. They both close their eyes and try to catch their breath. Castiel cuddles into Dean's side and wraps one of his wings around him.

Dean opens his eyes and smiles at his soft angel's wing covering him. Dean runs a hand through his sleeping lover's hair and kisses the top of his head.

Castiel wraps his wing around Dean tighter and he cuddles closer to him.

Dean's eyes droop close and falls asleep with his angel next him.

Destiel One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora