chapter 21: broken

Start from the beginning

She is able to take a hold of my arm.

"Veronica, you should wait here."

"No, Melissa, please let me go!" I say as I pull away from her. She lets go.

I follow my brother. He took a turn.

I can't see him anymore, but I can hear the yelling.

"No, we can't let you in!" someone says.

"Let me see my dad! Hey dad, can you hear me!?" I hear Stiles say.

I turn the corner and see Stiles struggling agains two deputies.

I try to calm him down.

"Stiles, please, stop." I say gently but he won't listen to me.

I notice a large window that allows me to see into the room where my dad is laying on a hospital bed.

I move around Stiles and the deputies and stand in front of the window, watching helplessly as the doctors try and help my dad.

Tears stream down my face.

Suddenly, Stiles' yelling stops.

He stops trying to get past the deputies and walks over to me.

He stands next to me and takes my hand.

I turn to look at him. We're both crying, we're both scared.

We turn our attention back to my dad and the doctors trying to save him.

Dr. Geyer is in the room. He asks for this and that, giving orders to those around him.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Melissa, Scott and Malia.

Melissa must've called them.

"Come on dad, please." I whisper. "You can't leave us, please."

Stiles's is holding my hand so tight, it's beginning to hurt.

"He's going into cardiac arrest!" I hear Dr. Geyer say.

"What? No!" I say.

Stiles is sobbing. "No dad, come on!" he says.

Dr. Geyer tries again and again and again to help my dad, to save him...but it's useless.

Dr. Geyer faces the window, he's looking right at us.

"I'm sorry. Time of death..." he begins but I don't hear the rest because of all the screams.

My own screams.

"No!" I yell as I slam my hand on the window.

Stiles has let go of my hand and is once again struggling with the deputies. They won't let him in.

I walk away from the window, crying. Malia wraps her arms around me, trying to console me.

Everyone tries to calm down Stiles. Parrish. Melissa. Malia. But the only person who was able to get through to him was Scott.

Stiles hugs Scott. The both of them stand there, hugging each other. They're in tears.

Malia is too.

"No! This can't be happening!" I yell.

Lydia, Kira, Liam and Mason are here now too.

I walk over to them.

"Veronica?" Mason aks.

I shake my head. "He...he didn't make it." I say through tears.

Shock is on all of their faces.

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