Chapter 39 - Perfect

Start from the beginning

"I would never," he said dramatically and walked off almost offended.

I climbed into the trunk and got comfortable while I waited. I was looking around the field that was filled with multiple cars, but we managed to get a pretty good parking spot. There were families, friends, married couples, teenage couples, and a familiar face that I said that I never wanted to see again.

It was my ex boyfriend Kyle from high school, all snuggled up with Chelsea. They were one row ahead and a couple cars over, but I had a clear view of them. Isn't it enough that I have see her during horse shows, but now with my ex on my date.

And for Kyle, that low life cheated on me after two years of dating. That was way back near the end of grade ten, but I promised that once I was out of high school that I never wanted to see him again. He is one of the reasons why I found relationships so dumb at this age because they always blow up in your face. That's why I was so shocked to find out that I had a boyfriend.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Luke taking a seat beside me. He handed me my food and we finished our dinner while the previews had played. We talked about the basic stuff and I got to know him more and more, but I just couldn't get Kyle out of my head.

After a while Luke started to take noticed in my short attention spand.

"What's wrong? Why are you so quite?" He asked with a concerned facial expression.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I spoke and then tried to change the subject but he cut me off.

"You may have only know me for a week, but I know you well enough that something is on your mind right now," he said gentley grabbing my chin so I would look at him. I sighed and looked in the direction Chelsea and Kyle were. He quickly caught on to the problem.

"Why does she have to show up to every date we are on?" He shook his head angirly.

"Luke I couldn't careless about her. It's the other guy I'm worried about," I said looking back at him with anger in my tone.

"Why? Who is he?" Luke asked. I guess I never told him about Kyle.

"Never mind, don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy out night," I replied with a forced smile.

"But it's obviously-" I cut of his words by placing my hand over his mouth.

"Let's just enjoy our night," I repeated again and understood that I really didn't want to talk about it.

With that the film started and I snuggled up beside Luke with his arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder. The movie went by quickly and luckily neither Kyle or Chelesa had noticed us. We were now on our way to the Hudson diner, where karaoke was held tonight. In Hudson everything was pretty close together, so we got there in just under 5 minutes.

When we walked in the lights were dimd and there was a rather large spot light on the tiny stage at the back of diner were everyone was facing. The place was packed and people were already singing, but we managed to find a seat for two.

"May I get you two anything?" An older lady with curly brown hair and tanned skin asked.

"I'll just have a water please," I responded with a smile.

"And I'll have a Ginger ale," Luke added in.

"I'll be right out with you drinks. Enjoy," she grinned back. We both returned the smile and she walked away.

We talked for a while about just life in general when the question I was dreading came up. "So...who was the guy at the theatre?" Luke asked with hesitation because he knew that I rather not talk about it.

Filling in the Pieces // Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now