I walk into the kitchen to see Aiden in his booster seat at the dining room table while he eats lucky charms. "Aunt Riley!" He yells, dropping his spoon on the table.

"Hey, cutie!" I sit beside him. "Watcha eating?"

"Cereal." He says before taking a bite.

"Yum. Can I have some?" I ask playfully and he holds a spoonful of lucky charms out for me, pushing the spoon towards my mouth and I take a bite. "Mmm, thank you! It's so yummy." I cover my mouth while chewing.

"You can have a bowel because this bowel is mine." He laughs. "Mummy! Make aunt Riley some cereal!"

"I've got it." I stand up and walk towards Jessie. "So, I just got off of the phone with him." I say while reaching in the cabinet to get a bowel.

"Did you? What was said?"

"Well, he's destined to prove to me that Katy's baby isn't his, I also have to go to a viewing with him today. One of his patience passed away and I agreed on going with him two days ago. I'm actually also going to spend the day with him." I tell her as I pour myself cereal and milk. "I don't know, I just feel like I need to see him. I can't stand being away from him, Jess." I take a bite of my lucky charms.

"Girl, I know what you mean. When Louis leaves for work everyday, I feel lost. That's the thing about being a house wife and mom. While Prince Charming is out all day slaying dragons, the princess is stuck at home, cleaning the castle and their little prince or princess." She laughs and I join her.

"I know. I just. I miss him already, Jess. Like, who the fuck-"

"Language." She points to Aiden and he smiles at us.

"Who the heck is Katy to just barge back into our lives, SIX MONTHS after being pregnant with his baby? WHO WAITS SIX MONTHS?" I scream out of anger and I notice Aiden jump in his seat, obviously startled. Jessie places her hands on my shoulders and tells me to shh.

"Hey, have you thought yet that maybe she really is lying? Because that's a serious question. Who actually waits that long?" She agrees with me.

"I haven't thought of that. But who would lie about that?" I frown.

"Someone who wants to be with Marcel?" She shrugs.

I pull into the driveway behind Marcel's car. The front door is open and I notice Evie standing at the screen door, prancing around when she spots me. As I'm walking up the sidewalk, Marcel shows up at the door and lets Evie out and soon enough, she is jumping on me but she is careful. It's almost like she knows that there is something very delicate and fragile inside of my stomach.

"Hi babygirl!" I say in a baby type of tone while kneeling down to pet her. She licks my face, then sniffs my belly and licks it then licks my nose. "Mommy missed you so much last night." I grab her face and kiss it. When I look up, Marcel is standing in front of me and I notice the dark rings under his eyes and how red the rims of his eyes are, as if he was crying. Evie runs around the yard and I'm still kneeling on the ground when Marcel holds his hands out to help me up and I accept his generous offer to do so. I instantly smell his manly cologne and my hormones go insane. Shit. Now, I just want to grab him and kiss him, and do everything possibly sexual with him.

"Can I have a hug at least?" He asks cautiously and I throw my arms open.

"You don't have to ask to hug me, you dork." I giggle when he pulls me into a tight and gentle embrace. We stood this way for almost a minute and when he finally lays his head on my shoulder, I knew that we'd be standing this way for a much longer time. I begin to grow extremely emotional and tears just fall from my eyes as small sobs escape from my lips. He slightly squeezes me and I just don't want him to let me go. Not yet.

"I hate you so much." I cry into his chest but really, we both know that I'm upset and that I'm madly in love with him.

He sniffled, "I hate myself too, Ri. I don't know what to do."

I pull away to look up at him, using both of my hands to hold onto his jaws. "Just tell me that none of this is true. That it's all a dream and everything will be ok." tears carelessly fall from my eyes as he attempts to wipe them away.

"That's the thing, none of this is true besides the fact that I'm not the father of that child. Only our child. Baby, I promise." He whispered in my ear. How do I know if he's lying or not? That's right, I don't know.

Once we go inside, I instantly walk to the kitchen to get a drink. As I'm leaning against the counter drinking from my water bottle, I feel his large hands being placed on the sides of my stomach from behind. He leans forward, bringing his plump lips towards my ear while continuing to slowly rub my swollen stomach.

"How is your back doing?" He asks softly and it sends chills literally throughout my entire body. Lately I've been having a lot of back pain to the point where I wanted to cry and he was always there to make me feel better.

"It's killing me, honestly. It just feels like someone is stabbing my spine." I explain as he pulls me away from the counter and leans on it himself. He pulls me into him, his hands on my lower back as they begin to massage the pain away. I close my eyes, wrapping my arms around his torso. Moments like this. It's always moments like this that get me. He placed several pecks on the top of my head before laying his own on mine, his soft touch making me melt in his arms. As he is still continuing to go, my stomach is pressed against his and Ashton starts to kick. His hands stopped and we sat there silently, feeling him move around. When I pull away, Marcel is smiling.

"What?" I ask, knowing what he is going to say.

"I just think it's so cool that there is a legit baby inside of your stomach at the moment, just moving around and minding his own business." He chuckles before pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth. I've realized that we hadn't kissed yet, and I'm dying to do so. I hope all of this is just a misunderstanding. I know that there are supposed to be complicated obstacles in nearly every relationship, but not obstacles like this. It's scary knowing that you really are meant to be with someone, and knowing that your love is so strong, but it might just go away one day. But this isn't our time to lose each other. This isn't the right time and there will never be a right time. Marcel was made for me. I was made for Marcel. I can't see myself without him. Ever. "Do you not think it's cool?" He interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh no, I think it's pretty amazing." I smile but it soon disappears when I begin to think about what is still going on in our lives. He smiles then continues to rub my back.

"Do you still want mum to plan your baby shower?" He asks, looking down at me with a hypnotizing grin.

"You mean our baby shower?" I ask, a little upset that he didn't say our baby shower.

"You know what I meant, babe." He half smiles, half frowns.

"I know, I know." I smile, staring at his lips. This is going to be a long day.

Authors Note: OMG I'm proud of this chapter. SO VERY PROUUUUUUD! (: please pleeeeease comment and vote!

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