"We have to get out before she tries to merge you again", Ashton said before rubbing his face. Seeming to completely disregard the fact that he was who I would probably be merging with next.

"She's gonna kill Adara", Michael said.

"She wants me alive, remember?"

"No, I mean this process, it'll kill you or at least what makes you-you," Michael said.

"Adara probably won't die because of how strong her power is, but she might die?", Oliver said questioning himself right after he said it.

"She'll lose her self to the power each time she merges with someone", Ashton cleared up.

So me, myself will die, but I will still be physically there.


Oliver sat down on the other side of the room and stared at me.

I don't feel different, right after the merge I did, but not now.

"Adara basically told Mirage to make me go next", Ashton was the first person to acknowledge it out loud and I shut my eyes gently and pressed my palms into my eye sockets, it was like I had no control of myself.

"I didn't mean to", I whispered and Michael rubbed my back, in that moment, I wished it could last forever.

I felt my power stir inside of me.

Stupid emotions.

"She'll lose control of it", Oliver said and I opened my eyes and made eye contact with him, thanks for the hope.

Something stirred inside of me so I looked away.

"I guess I'm going out next", Ashton laughed and I looked at him concerned, his eyes were wild and his hands shook. Ashton was actually afraid- afraid of death.

"If anything I should go next, they need you to get through this, you know way more than we do", Calum said to Ashton.

I looked at him so fast my neck tightened.

"Calum, absolutely not- No!" I shouted and Michaels' hand slipped off my back and even Oliver looked away at how awkward it was after.

"St-Stop planning your deaths no one is gonna die", I said and they all gave me a leery glance filled with lost hope.

"What happens if she merges with someone who isn't fire", Luke asked probably thinking of when his turn will come around.

"Is that possible?", I asked.

"I've never heard of a hybrid case, even when a mom and a dad have two different powers", Ashton said looking at me and I tightly smiled

"If Adara has the ice gene somewhere inside of her the merge will awaken it", Oliver said like it was obvious like he was trying to sound smarter than Ashton.

"That's only if one of her parents are with ice and that's not the case right-", Oliver rambled and Ashton glared at him.

"What does awaken even mean?", I asked with narrowed eyes.

"You can't use it, but it's there", Oliver said and I nodded.


"But that's impossible right?", Oliver laughed like he found it ridiculous how powerful I could be. 

The silence that followed gave him his answer.

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