3 weeks later

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So we've been going out for 3 weeks 2 days and we are still together. So today is Halloween and me and Luna are going trick or treating. You might think we're too old for it but COME ON you get FREE sweets so it really is worth going. I'm dressing up as a pirate and Luna is dressing up as a pirate too. We  thought it would be cool if we matched.

So Luna met at my house at 6pm and we had tea. For tea we ate pumpkin and potato pie and we had peas and sweetcorn with it. yum yum. We didn't have pudding because of all the sweets we're going to get later. We set off about 7:15 and we went to about 50-70 houses or more. We walked quite a lot as well. By the time we were done it was about 9.45pm. We got changed into our PJ's and sorted our sweets out. We did a lot of swapping and then we watched a horror movie. The film we watched was The Haunting. (tip: always watch a horror film with a girl cos' they will want to snuggle up to you) and we ate all our sweets.

When the film had finished we laid talking for a while, next think I know I'm waking up the next morning. Luna's head was resting on my chest. I just laid listening to her breathing and she looked so cute when she was a sleep. When she woke up she looked up at me and smiled. I kissed her and got up and made breakfast. I made pancakes with sugar and lemon. She had to go home then otherwise her dad would hit her again.

Once she had left I decieded to clean up before my mum got home from work. My brother and sister stayed over at grannies so I had to go pick them up.

My girl LunaWhere stories live. Discover now