The first time

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The first time I saw Luna she was wearing a cream, floral dress with cream frilly socks. Her long hair was hung down and she had a pink headband in.  The cute thing was that she was carrying her books and when she saw me looking at her she dropped them, that's when I went over to help her and yeah that's when i first fell in love. As i helped her up she looked in to my eyes, they were so pure and full of happiness but the first thing I noticed was the way they sparkled. I took her hand and it took me by surprise Luna's hand was so dainty and soft. We stood in the corridor talking. I know it sound stupid but we just talked about what we liked and disliked. Then we had to leave as we walked away I turned around to get a last look at Luna and as I did Luna was looking straight back at me. 

I saw her sitting alone at lunch so I went over and sat with her, she smiled when she saw me and she started talking to me asking me about my family. I told her about my dad and the fact he left us and my mum had to bring up me and my little sister and brother. I felt embarrassed but she seemed to understand so she changed the topic for me. Because i was too busy talking and joking around I knocked my hot chocolate down myself. I was trying to act cool about it as I jumped up because it scolded all my legs. She laughed at my embarrassment which made me laugh, at that moment I felt the 'spark' and I knew instantly that Luna was my girl.

As we walk to next lesson I got the courage to invite her over to my house to play video games, to my surprise she said yes. I'm so glad she couldn't read my mind because I was literally cheering and screaming with excitement.  I still don't know why she agreed to come to my house when we only met that morning. Maybe she just wanted to get to know me better or maybe something was going off at home which she didn't want to talk about. Either way Luna wanted to be with me and that's all i cared about. For now at least any.

After school I met Luna at the school gates and she walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I was stunned. Then we walked to my house talking (again) but this time about her. I found out that she use to have an older brother and he died fighting in the army. She also told me that when her brother was still alive that she was always second best. It was always about her brother and not her. Even now they wont celebrate Christmas really because of her brother not been there. Her brother was called Thomas and he was 12 years older then her. I can understand now why is the way she is. If her parents don't appreciate her then I do, and I always will.

When we got to mine I got Luna a glass of apple juice and myself orange. I also got a bowl of crisp for us to share. (I thought it was romantic OK.) I was really surprised how good she was, I mean I know girls can be just as good as boys at video games but because she is so girly and dainty it didn't seem possible she could be so good. I really liked the fact she was been really competitive. She was screaming at the T.V. she honestly had a really cool time. She had to leave at 5pm otherwise her parents would ground her. But I asked her if she wanted to come back tomorrow.

And guess she said.......... YES.

Before she left she kissed me......unfortunately it was on the cheek but still I GOT KISSED BY A GIRL.

My girl LunaWhere stories live. Discover now