Ch.58- Kisses 4 u

81 15 0

I've been feeling kind of ecstatic lately, because more people have been adding my book in their reading lists. Though, they didn't vote at all....But I do hope they enjoy this book.

Am has been feeling so hyper this past few weeks. She told us she was high and greatly drunk, but of course, no one took it seriously.

She has been trying all kind of jokes to make the whole class bursts into laughter; some popular girls were pissed and the others were annoyed. Her best friends? Well, we're feeling agitated by her bewildering behaviours and it somehow turned us into her too. Like there is 5 Am in our class and the teacher thought we haven't take our medicine yet.

As always the last 2 paragraphs and the title got nothing to do with the chapter I'm going to talk about today. So please don't let the title fooled you.

Okay, so it was in history class, I remembered. Mr. Sam, all in all, was a strict teacher that taught History. Students who were talking even just a single word, will get Mr.Die.

{Mr. Die is like a di(c)e that watches us, students, when we were talking through the lesson without Mr. Sam's permission, and it will caught us without us realizing it. Then we'll get a particular amount of time of detention.}

So when you talked, you get Mr. Dice, then you get detention. Simple as that. But when Mr. Dice find another victim, it will let you go a.k.a you're free from detention.

We were asked to fill the form of our dreams and what kind of specific job we want when we were old enough. We were sitting in a group and M suddenly hiccupped.

M: ....


M: hic. Hic.


M: hic.hic.

Me: *clears throat*

M: hic.hic.

Me: Ehem...

M: hic hic.

Me: *starts to giggle*

M: hiiiiicccccc. Hic.

Mi: *giggles too*

Me: stop...haha... hiccupping...

M: hiiiiiccccccc... hic.

Me: I--- I can't..


Me: *burst into laughter*

Am: you spit on my face!

M: Tiffany, you--- HIC

Me: HAHAHAHA *banged her head on the table*

M: Tiffany, y--- HIIICCCCCC


M: fuck. Tif--- HICCCC. FUCK--- HIC

Me: you're like rapping, M. Hahahaa

M: Tif--- Hic Hic.

Me: Tiffa hic. Tiffa hic. Fuck. Tiffa hic. Tiffa hic. Fuck *starts rapping*

M: You sh--- Hic.


M: Hic.

Mr. Sam: Tiffany---

Me: yes, sir?

Mr. Sam: apparently Mr. Die has caught you.

M: Tiffa-- Hiicccc

Me: Fuck.

Wanna be a Joker but be an Idiot insteadWhere stories live. Discover now