Ch.25- My Older Sister's Wrath

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Okay, first of all this is kinda an embarrassing story. Sure, it was fun to watch but shameful to experience. Maybe my sister is having an unforgettable, humiliating experience, even worse than me, since she was the one who started it.

This happened last Saturday, when all of us (Dad, Mom, My Older Sis, and me) went to an aptitude test building to receive our test personality test and IQ results and you-know-what.

My father dropped the three of us (mom, sis and me) first and he went to find a parking space. He was going to catch up to us later on.

The three of us went into the building and reached the 17th floor. We met the psychologist and they gave us our results, which turned out pretty bad. Sis doesn't accept her IQ score (I will not mention how much she got, she will probably kill me if I tell the whole world through Wattpad) and she lost consciousness.

Nah, I'm kidding. Again.

She started to cry or sob, I can't even differentiate them anymore. Well small tears were falling down her cheeks, until big tears started to roll down like a huge waterfall.

"You know what? My friends will think that I am so stupid. Even when I tested my IQ in the internet, my score are near to perfect. My friends will think that I am so stupid."

Why do you have to repeat it twice? They won't know until you tell them... that is even if you have friends, sis.

"I know the reason! I GUESS THE RESULTS ARE FAKE AND THE PSYCHOLOGISTS ARE LIARS." She started to shout that my mom stared at her weirdly.

Luckily we arrived earlier, so I didn't have to accidentally meet another family. Who probably are going to stare at Sis like she's some crazy 15-year-old kid.

The employees who were sitting on her table, near where we stood, for sure she heard us clearly. Sis started another round of her break down, making mom laughed at her bewildering behavior. I almost thought that mom would scold her and they would start another fight like usual. Mom's short temper was passed down to my sister if you haven't noticed yet. Weirdly, mom always loses the fight whenever they have a big argument.

For the next 30 minutes she still cried nonstop and I began to wonder what took Dad so long to park his car. We-mom and I-seriously need him in this dangerous situation, Sis could blow up anytime soon and we better take caution first. I remember a saying, bring umbrella in case it rains. More like save the people in the building in case Sis started a world war 3 with mom.

About 35 minutes later, I noticed mom was holding her anger by a thread. "I'm going to the toilet, you guys stay here." With that, she left, leaving me alone with sister who was still crying for eternity. I watched her and stayed silent, didn't dare to even utter a single word. For what felt like 30 minutes, mom came back with Dad on her tail.

One of the employee came to us, to tell us that a psychologist wanted to meet us and that she would explain more about our results. Sis blew up again,"No. You guys just go. I don't care anymore. It's just all FAKE."

Thankfully, Dad didn't take sis's anger seriously, if he did she's literally dead. Dad just snickered at Sis response when they dragged her inside to meet her psychologist.

Inside the room her anger rose, she cried and shouted, still claiming that her results are fake. "Just see! This paper or results or whatever are all fake. I have an evidence, in this results it said that I paid less attention to the feeling of others, but the fact is I'm helping my friends everyday and doing good things. There, you happy?" She mocked the psychologist.

I knew that the psychologist is also trying hard to placate her. To make matters worse, the psychologist was a pregnant woman. It was pretty much a stage 4 in the danger level.

For the next hours, sis kept shouting for the psychologist for giving the prove to her. While the psychologist answered her rude questions calmly. It was a mortifying scene to know that other people knew Sis' bad personality. My parents and I sat there quietly as we heard their spiteful conversation, sometimes Dad spoke up before Sis lashed more anger to the poor psychologist. Seemed like she's gonna be the victim today. I hid my face several times hoping that the psychologist will forget that I am her sister.

Okay, that pretty much repeating again and again, until the time is done and I told my parents that I'm excusing myself to the bathroom.

When I came back, a swarm of different families sat on a small table, watching the scene before them. I knew exactly what the scene was, and I didn't dare to approach them and went in as her sister. Not today.

I heard loud shouted from Sis and an anger tone was the response from mom. It was hideous.

I kept chanting in my heart, Please someone take me from here.

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