Ch.16- Toilet

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We were changing our uniforms in the toilet to get ready for PE (Physical Education/ sports) lesson.

We went into different stalls as we change our clothes.

Reader: Of course, why would you go to the same stall? You're not going to watch each other's naked bodies.... right?

Me: Of course.............................................NOT.

Am: (still in one of the stalls) Tiffa, are you still there?

Me: (In my stall) Ofc, I won't leave you, don't worry.

C: (beside my stall) Even if she leaves you, you won't even know it, Am.

Am: Yeah, right, disappear like snowflakes. Let it go.. let it goo..

Me: You better stop singing, Am. Someone might hear you outside. 

C: I'm done. I'll wait for you outside.

5 Minutes later...

Mi: *Giggles*

Me: You're there too, Mi? Anyway, I'm done too. I'll wait you outside the stall okay, Am?

Am: Alright.

Me: *Going out, meeting C and Mi* You guys are done too? You're fast.

Mi: *Giggles*

C: Yeah.

Another 5 minutes, waiting for Am only.

Me: What's taking you so long, Am? It's been forever.

Am: (Still in her stall) Don't worry, I'm not haunting anyone. HIHIIHIHIHIHI *imitating ghost voice*

C: Hey, Am, there's a haunted story. It's said that the third stall in this bathroom is haunted.

Am: Don't worry, I'm in the fourth stall. HIHIHIIIHIHII

Me: *cracks up*

Mi: *Giggles*

C: Yeah, what if there's really a ghost here?

Me: Fake ghost. LOL

Two junior (7th Grader) girls went into the bathroom. One of them went into one of the stall, one wait outside standing near us.

Am: Let it goooooo.... let it gooooooo..... I can't put this shoes innnnn... Let my feet goooo... Help me right nowwww....

C: *Whispered to me* She doesn't know that G7 students are here hearing her.

Me: *smirked evilly* Yea... hahahhaa

Am: Hey, are there any grade 7 students out there? Or maybe a cleaner? or maybe some stranger out there?

1st G7 student: *silence*

Am: (Still in her stall) Hellowwww Grade 7 students. I'm a stranger tooooo. Welcome to the toilet.

Ist G7 student: *silence*

Me: *cracks up*

Mi: *Giggles*

C: Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. *covering her face with her palms*

Am: Do you wanna sing with me, G7 students? Let's sing! Let it gooooooo.....

1st G7 student: *ignores her*

Me: *takes a glance at the 1st G7 student and noticed that she's not even smiling*

Me: *whispers to myself, gives pity look at her* maybe she's so embarrassed to admit that she has a senior as crazy as Am. 

Mi: *Giggled*

2nd G7 student: *gets out from the stall*

With no words or smiles or laughs, they left the bathroom with a blank expression on their faces. 

Me, M and C: *Awkward silence before we burst out laughing* OH MY GOD! THAT WAS HILARIOUS! Their faces..... HAHAHAHA

Am: (still in her stall) so there really is a G7 student...

Me: Not one but two. HAHAHAHAHAHA

C: They're shocked to hear your voice.

Me: their expression...........priceless. HAHAHAHHA

Mi: *Giggled*

Am: *FINALLY, getting out from the stall* Well, at least they didn't see my face. So they won't meet the mysterious girl. Lol

Even until now, I began to wonder, "What took you so long from changing your uniform to PE cloth in 5 minutes? What are YOU DOING INSIDE THERE, Am?

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