Ch.15- Pimples

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I hate to share this story with you. But I can't just hold it back anymore. I'm going to make you laugh even if it mean to humiliate myself (that sounds so extreme). I just love to see people laugh, or snicker or maybe just a small smile while reading my book. Anyway hope you like this one too ;)



I've been having a HUGE pimple right in the middle of my face. Where, you may ask? On the edge my nose. Exactly in the middle of my face.

And you probably realised that I have a friend with initial 'A' that I have mentioned a couple times on the previous chapters before, and this time she's definitely involved in this.

The first day of school, I had Worldview. We were asked to sit with 4 people (but not a group). With Am, M, C and A.

We were discussing about God and bla bla bla and so on...

Then suddenly, M spoke up.

M: Tiffa, you have such a huge pimple. It's like, right in the middle of your face. 

Me: *covers my nose with my palm* Shut up, M.

M: A, look at Tiffa's face. That's a huge pimple.

A: Yeah, Tiffany, it's so symmetrical to your face.

M: *burst out laughing* symmetrical she said. HAHAHAHA

Me: A, how dare you! How dare you!

M: *mimicking A* It's symmetrical Tiffany. Symmetrical!

Me: *Keep repeating 'how dare you' a thousand times to A"

What I did after I arrive home and met my mom? "Mom, please go to the doctor right now, to diminish this HUGE PIMPLE. And when I mean right now, I mean RIGHT NOW."

Second day of school, M didn't come to school. 

Third day of school, which is today. In sports time, playing baseball. 

M was holding the bat, swinging it leisurely. Almost hit me.

Me: M, don't you dare hit me!

M: It didn't even touch you.

*Ready to walk away*

A: *Whispered* Even if it hit her, it can fix her face. 

M: A, do you have a death wish?

A: *just realised her words* Oh my God, I hope she doesn't hear m-

Me: A!!!!!!!!! What did you just say????? Fix my face? My PIMPLE YOU MEAN?

A: *scurried away* I'm dead, she heard it.

Me: *Keep repeating 'how dare you' until God-knows-when*

What did I feel right now? Anger. Pure anger. The word 'fix' and 'symmetrical' has become one of the list of words I hate. 

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