Ch.46- Childhood Memories

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I want you to get to know me. (That sounds so cheesy) This is not a funny chapter, just me ranting about useless boring stuff. Skip if you want to.

My childhood memories turned out to be pretty boring. When I was a first grader, I was this outcast that sat on the darkest corner of the room where no one would ever see me. And I would sit there until the school ended, with no friends and a short conversation in a day.

I made a friend in the second semester who was literally a crazy girl, she was like the class' and teacher's enemy. She stole other kids' belonging and stayed silent, she ran all around the class shouting random words and she pulled my hair until I shrieked.

She lied to me and never apologized, I lied to her until she knew about it and I begged her to still be my friend. It was crazy and unbelievable.

I used to like or I can say had a crush on this young teacher when I was a first grader. She made me cry in front of him first but then, I made her cry too. It was not a good memory.

Like at all.

But then she moved the next year and problem solved.

And still I somehow wonder how is she doing today? Is she still doing bad things, or did she change into a better person?

Questions about her remained unanswered.


Well, what about right now...

I am the class' joker. I disturbed boys and girls-- my friends told me that I was flirting-- and my presence was a well-known in the class. Well, some of them full of insults of me having a hoarse voice and some of them full of praises of me helping frie--sorry I lied, there aren't any good praises.

Sure, I helped people and friends; as if I'll get more than a single 'thank you'.

Anyway, I'm more thankful of the way I am right now than my miserable childhood memories. Since my friends like  gracia261202 and others {I know you gurls don't want me to mention your name ;)} filled my life. I'm so thankful for the 14 years of my life.

And NO, today is not my birthday but soon anyways. It's sad that no one is guessing when my birthday date is. Still, I'm going to wait until the time comes.



Sorry for ranting, it's just that my days have been really hard lately with IGCSE and Checkpoints, and I don't even notice a single fun thing in my life😩...

I think that I'll go through a h i a t u s for 2 weeks starting from tomorrow. IGCSE AND Checkpoint exams start next week!!!😨😵😱

I'll post something on my birthday which is a present for y'all.

See you and Love you all!!!

Kisses from your dearest(not really) writer,


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