Ch.39- Quotation Marks

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Both updates are for my apology to you for not updating on wednesday.

It was on English class where another hilarious moment happened.

We were discussing the right answer for our worksheets. It was A's turn to speak up and give us the right answers. It was actually pretty easy since even a kindergarden student can do it too. Please note my sarcasm.

The passage says, "I am tired" he muttered.

And we were asked to use a comma to seperate a quotation from the rest of the sentence. So easy.

A: number one, open quotation I am tired comma closed quotation he muttered.

Just like that A's full answer made the whole class laughed. I mean who need to mention the quotation marks too? I would probably just say like 'I am tired comma he muttered.'

But still, as if the class's laughter doesn't affected her, she continued.

A: number two, he said comma open quotation we need to lower the taxes exclamation mark closed quotation.

Another laughter came from the class. The teacher too laughed. It somehow amused me. 

"Today will be rainy" the weatherman said with a frown.

A: number three, open quotation today will be rainy comma closed quotation the weatherman said with a frown.

Teacher: Wrong!

A: What? Why?

Teacher: FULL STOP.

and another laughter came from the class.

I really wanted to ask you something, did all smart people or geniuses read a sentence that way? Or is it just A?

Comment down below. Thanks.

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