{ Minicat } I love you I hate you

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Mini pov

Wildcat is like a poison but is very addictive. His kiss always makes you want more. I can't stop thinking about him but I know he is lieing to me. He stays up late and talks to someone almost all night. I have caught him a few times on skype talking to another person and I know it's not one of are friends or one of his friends. I have tried to see who it is but he locks his computer when he is not using it. But today I'm going to find out who it is and even if it's locked I'm going to find out. I watch wildcat leave to get groceries so I get a least an hour or two. As soon as I see him drive away I run upstairs and into his room and I sit down in his chair. I start to type in passwords that he might use but nothing for the past ten minutes. I think of one last thing Minicat, I type it in and the computer unlocks. I feel a little shocked that would be his password. So easy yet also hard to believe that it would it. I shake my thoughts away then I click on his skype. I see a bunch of people and he has gave them nicknames like, my bitch or fuckbuddy or babe. I feel tears start to well up in my eyes. I knew he was cheating but not with this many people. There are at least more then twenty. I click on a few names and read his conversations with them. I can't take it anymore I break down then I run to my room and lock the door then I flop down on my bed and I cry my heart out.

Wildcat pov

I pull up to ours house then I park and bring in the food I bought. It is very quiet in the house, no laughter, no yelling just a empty silence.

Wildcat " I'm home!..... Mini?. "

I drop the food and then I start to look around the house while calling his name but nothing. I reach my room and see my computer on. I look around my room then I turn off my computer then I go and check his room. I knock but nothing then I go to open the door and suddenly the door opens. I fall to the floor, I hear Mini leave his room then go downstairs.

Wildcat " Mini? "

I get up then I run downstairs and then I see Mini in the doorway.

Mini pov

Mini " I HATE YOU!!!! "

I slam the door then I head to me car. I open the car door then I throw my bag in and I hop in. I start the car then I pull out of the drive way and whisper to my self.

But I love you

(I'm sorry.... wattpad was being mean it only posted a little of my story even though there was more so I unpublished this story and publishing it again....... Hopefully it's all there and if you still want a part 2 I can still do that. )

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