[ Vancat BasicallyVanoss ] You got a little something there

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( This was requested and I hope you enjoy )

Wildcat pov

I sigh and then I look at Basically who is stare at Vanoss who is sleeping in his chair. I have a sudden idea.

Wildcat " Hey Basically. "
Basically " What. "
Wildcat " Want to go out for dinner tonight like almost like a date with Vanoss. "

His eye's light up.

Basically " That sounds like a plan.... I think I will go wake Vanoss up and ask him. "

I smile and then I follow Basically to the sleeping Vanoss. Basically pokes Vanoss' s cheek then pokes his nose. Vanoss did not move then Basically tried to tickle but he just groaned. I sighed then I picked up Vanoss and throw him on the bed he landed on his belly. He slowly sat up and looked at us.

Vanoss " What do you guys want? "
Wildcat " Want to go out for dinner tonight. "

Vanoss stared at us then said sure and layed back down. Basically huffed and then jumped on the bed and then tried to keep Vanoss awake but failed.

~ Time skip ~

It was now 7 pm, we got dressed enough to look good while Vanoss looks hot. He's wearing his red leather jacket, his shades and he up his hair like a mohawk. Basically choosed a restaurant which is a about twenty minutes away from are house.

~ Time skip again ~

We finally made it to the restaurant and were quite hungry by now. Vanoss doesn't seem to be into this but at least he came. We entered the restaurant and right away I smell the delicious food.

Vanoss pov

I feel worn out from edited all the videos and stay up almost all night. I hope eating something and getting some fresh air will help. We got are seats in the corner, Wildcat and Basically make me sit in the middle. About five minutes after sitting down are waitress comes by.

Waitress " Hi and what can I get to drink? "

I see the waitress stare into my eye's and then wink.

Wildcat " I would like a pepsi. "
Basically " A coke. "

The waitress write there orders down.

Waitress " And for you handsome? "
Vanoss " Umm a root beer. "
Waitress "Coming right up. "

Again the waitress winks at me and then leaves the menu's and goes and gets are drinks.

Wildcat " So what are we going to eat? "
Vanoss " I don't know. "
Basically " So why do you look tired? "
Vanoss " I was up late editing and playing games. "
Wildcat " Again? "
Vanoss " Yea. "

I sigh and then I take off my shades and grab a menu. I start to look through the menu. We decide to all have a pizza. The waitress comes back smirking while starring into my eyes.

Waitress " Hey handsome, do you know what you want? "

Again he winks.

Vanoss " Umm we would like a peperoni and cheese pizza and potato skins while we wait. "
Waitress " Don't worry you won't have to wait long sweet heart. "

Basically pov

This waitress is flirting with Vanoss and it's starting to get on mine and Wildcat's nerves. I see he is trying to not say anything. The waitress leaves again and comes back with are drinks. He passes us are drinks first and then leans over the table and passes Vanoss his drink. Eerytime the waitress comes here he stares into Vanoss's eyes. When the waitress leaned over the table Wildcat looked pissed. Wildcat glares off in the distance mumbling somthing while Vanoss peacefully drinks his root beer. I take a sip of my coke and I see the waitress coming, I slide a litrle closer to Vanoss. The waitress set's down the potato skins while sour cream. He pushes the food closer to Vanoss and then leaves again. We start to munch the potato skins down. Soon enough the waitress comes back with the pizza.

Waitress " Hope you like it there cutey. "
Vanoss " Thanks. "
Wildcat " Yes, thank you. "

The kinda glares at Wildcat and then leaves. Vanoss is the first one to grab a slice of pizza.

~ yet again another time skip ~

We were almost done when the waitress came back.

Waitress " How was the food there handsome? "
Vanoss " It was good. "
Waitress " You know my shift is almost done.. If you want we could go hangout somewhere. "
Vanoss " Well--
Wildcat " Hey Vanoss you got a liitle something there on your cheek. "

Wildcat nods at me.

Vanoss pov

Vanoss " I do? "

I go to reach for what ever is on my cheek but suddenly Wildcat start's to kiss my cheek.

Basically " Hey what's that on your neck? "

I suddenly feel a wet sensation on my neck and cheek. Wilecat moves down to my jaw line then to my ear. I'm getting shivers up my spine and I'm start to blush cause of the waitress staring at us. I know Basically is giving me hickies now and Wildcat is starting to.

Vanoss " Ggg...Guys.... Please stop. "

They do and then they both hug me and glare at the waitress.

Wildcat " He is ours. "
Basically " And only ours! "

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