{ H2OVanoss } My Hero

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《 Vanoss and Delirious are in high school. Vanoss is popular and Delirious is new at this school. Vanoss mostly hangs out with his gang until Delirious shows up. So Delirious and Vanoss become best friends and yea but there's someone who is jealous of Vanoss and does something that changes Delirious life forever. 》

Delirious pov

Lately Vanoss has been acting a little different than usual. He has been like kind a spooky, you could easily scare him. I sigh then get off my bed and get ready for school. I put on a grey shirt, my blue hoodie and one of my black jeans. I stare at my mask then I grab it and put it on. I grab my backpack then I make a sandwich and then I run to school. As I approach the school I see three guys in dark clothes standing outside. I slow down a careful watch them as something inside was giving me a weird feeling. Vanoss came out of nowhere and taclked me. He starts laughing and of course I laugh with him. He helps me up.

Vanoss " So how was your sleep?"
Delirious " It was okay."

I look around for those guys but no sigh of them.

Vanoss " Come on we are going to be late for class."

I watch Vanoss run into the school as the bell rings. I run after him until I reach my class.

Vanoss pov and time skip and because im lazy and cause I can....... tee hee.... we are skipping to end of the day cause nothing really happened during the day.

I say bye to the guys and Delirious then I head home. As I walk home I think about Delirious and if I should tell him. He has become a big part of my life and I don't want to ever end a friendship. The guys seem to really like him. He has friends of his own that I don't really know. Since I lived here I have not had one girlfriend which makes everyone wonder. I know there's people that hate me and are jealous of me but that doesn't matter to me. All I care about is my YouTube channel and my friend, my family really didn't care about me which is oay cause I made my own family. I smile as I think about my friend's and the life I have.

??? " Hey kid."

I look around and see a guy in a black hoodie and grey pants staring at me.

Vanoss " What do you want?"
??? " I just want to know where I can find a guy name Vanoss is."
Vanoss " Why are you looking for him?"
??? " Not any of your concern.... Just tell where I can find him."
???? " Are you stupid?..... He's right in front of you."
??? " Who is?"

I start to slowly back away.

???? " That guy is Vanoss."
Vanoss " Shit."

I start to run and as soon as I do the guys start to chase me. I run down alleyways but they manage to keep up. I feel my self starting to get tired. I try on last alleyway and as I run down it a black van appears and the end and four guys come out. I stop then I look behind me and see the two guys standing there catching there breath.

? " No where to go now."

I look arou d trying to find a way out but no luck. I look back at the two guys that chased me. I start to run at them and as I do I throw my backpack at them. One of them falls backward and the otner backs away. I managed to slip past but once again I'm being chased. I think of who would be the closest to hide from these guys. I get to a street and I see down the street is Delirious. I head toward him but one of the guys tackles me to the ground. I try to get him off before more guys come. A few minutes pass of me fighting this guy and I see the other guys coming. I think of something to do.

Vanoss " Delirious! "

The guy on top of me punches me in the stomach which weakens me. I hold my stomach holding back the groans of pain. The guy stnd up as the rest of group surrounds me. As I stare at them Delirious comes out of nowhere swinging a piece of a pipe. The guys all try to dodge but most of them are wacked really hard. Delirious swing furiously making the guys start to run away. Once there all gone he drops the pipe then knees down beside me.

Vanoss " Thanks for helping me... Well more like savng me."
Delirious " Well a damsel in distress called for him."

He smirks as he says that.

Vanoss " I'm not a girl."

He laughes then helps me stand up. As we go back for my bag the black van appears again. My eyes widen in horror as I see a guy with a gun in the window pull the trigger. A loud bang fills the air, I look at Delirious who looks at me in horror. My body goes limp and so I fall but Delirious manages to catch me. I lay there in his arms feeling myself fade away.

Delirious " Vanoss your going to be fine... Just hang in there."

He pulls out his phone and calls 911.

Vanoss " Delirious thank you...."

I can tell that he is starting to crying from under his mask.

Delirious " Your welcome my friend."
Vanoss " Can I tell you something?"
Delirious " Sure."

I stare at him feeling my breath and vision fading away.

Vanoss " I... I love you.... Mm... My.. My hero."

Delirious takes off his mask then smiles as tears roll down his cheeks.

Delirious " I love you too."

With the last of my strength I grab his hoodie and pull him into a kiss. It was perfect but the last thing I will ever feel. I feel cold and sleepy as Delirious face fades into darkness.

Goodbye my love and my best friend.

So emotional... I even cried while writing this anyways hoped you enjoyed and remember you can request a pairing you want.》

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