{ Terrornuckle } Heartbeat

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Terroriser pov

All I hear is my heartbeat, all I feel is cold and in pain and all I see is darkness. I wonder if all my friends are okay or they even with me.

Moo pov

I have been here since the accident, I sleep on the floor everynight. Our friends come and visit, Vanoss has been here the most. I have been crying alot and praying that Terroriser will wake up.

Vanoss " Hey Moo... I brought you some food. "

I turn and smile at him, Vanoss set the food down on the table and then takes a seat. I get up and eat, even though I don't want to Vanoss makes sure I take care of myself. Vanoss is the most kind, gentle and caring.

Vanoss " How you feeling so far? "
Moo " Same as before. "

Vanoss nods then his phone goes of, he gives me a sorry look and then leaves the room. I get up and go sit beside Terroriser again. I kiss his forhead and then I stare at him, the sun begins to set which makes the room orange and yellow. I turn and watch the the sunset.

And so it ends.

I close my eyes and begin to cry as I know this is Terroriser's last day. A few weeks ago the doctors said there is no way he is going to wake up and he was going to die. I didn't tell anyone except Vanoss. I sigh and lay my head on the bed and wait for the last beat of Terroriser's heart on the monitor. The tears are streaming down my face and getting the bed all wet. Everything goes silent, I cry ever harder.

Goodbye my friend, my love, my life.

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