[Vancat Minilirious ] Broken hearts

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《 This was requested by peresus

Vanoss pov

Vanoss " Have you noticed that Mini has been acting strange and Wildcat seems sad? "
Delirious " Yea."
Vanoss " We should go cheer up Wildcat. "
Delirious " Uhh... You go ahead I have to go do something. "

Delirious gets up then fastly walks away. I see Mini wave bye to Wildcat then leave the same direction as Delirious. I look at Wildcat who looks heart broken. I stand up then I go sit beside him.

Vanoss " Hey Wildcat. "
Wildcat " Oh hey. "
Vanoss " Are you okay? "
Wildcat " You can keep secrets right? "
Vanoss " Yea. "

He sighs then looks at me.

Wildcat " I give my heart to Mini but he said no and he is with someone else. "
Vanoss " I see..... Hey we should go do something fun. "
Wildcat " Not really. "

He lays down staring at the sky. I look around then out of the corner of my eye I see blue but then it disappears. I stand up then I walk to where I saw it. As I walk I hear giggling, I quietly walk towards the noise. I look around the corner of the house and see Delirious and Mini making out. I quickly leave and go back to Wildcat.

Vanoss " I found out who Mini is in love with..... It's Delirious. "
Wildcat " And how are you feeling? "
Vanoss " I don't care... "
Wildcat " I think you do. "
Vanoss " Quit smirking. "

Wildcat changes his smirk to a smile.

Wildcat " You know you are a good friend.... You can make me smile even at my most worst times. "
Vanoss " I try. "

For the next few hours we talk about each other and some of are friends and also who we had a crush on. The sky began to turn a dark blue with purple color. Before we head inside Wildcat stares into my eyes like he is thinking really hard.

Wildcat " Vanoss.... I... I I..... I love you. "

I think for a few seconds then smile.

Vanoss " I love you too. "

Wildcat smiles then pulles me into a hug.

Wildcat " Thank you. "
Vanoss " Your welcome. "

Lets me go then smiles then gives me a kiss on my cheek.

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