{ Vancat } Party

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Wildcat pov

Lately the guys have been alittle distant like Delirious is playing more with Cartoonz and Nogla playing more with Lui and Basically. Mini has been playing with everyone then he goes and plays solo stuff but Vanoss has been barely on. No has heard from him for a few weeks now.

Mini " Wildcat?"
Wildcat " Oh sorry... What were you saying?"
Mini " Nevermind. "
Wildcat " Oh now don't get mad. "

I hear my phone go off.

Wildcat " I'll be right back. "

I take off my head phones then I reach for my phone thats on the other side of the desk.

V- Hey want to come to my party?
W - Sure

I put my head phones back on.

Wildcat " Mini... have you heard from Vanoss?"
Mini " Yea... He was asking me if I want to go to a party."
Wildcat " Are you going?"
Mini " I might."
Wildcat " Okay.... I'm going."

Me and Mini talked for a few more minutes then ended the call. I texted Vanoss to see when the party is and it's tomorrow.

Maybe this is my chance

I turn off my computer and I take off my head phones then I go flop on my bed. I stare that my phone then I smile and close my eyes.

Vanoss pov - also next day around 5 pm cause I can....lol-

I make sure I go enough food and drinks for the party and there nohing around thats very breakable. I get a bunch of text from Delirious and Wildcat asking about the party. I laugh as I get spammed by both of them, I sigh then I look around. I text everyone that they can start coming to the party.

* * * Now it's like 7:38 * * *

Mini, Nogla, Lui, Delirious, Cartoonz, Terroriser and Moo has showed up so far but not Wildcat. I texted him but he hasn't texted back. I sigh then I smile as everyone is having fun. Lui does his squeaker voice and runs around the house yelling I want gummy bears while Nogla chases him. Mini, Terroriser and Moo are on the couch talking while Delirious and Cartoonz go around the house hitting people with pillows. I stand up and I go to sit by Mini but Delirious comes out of nowhere and wacks me with a pillow then runs off laughing. I lay on the ground laughing then I sit up as I pick myself up someone pulls me up from behind. I look behind me and see Wildcat smiling.

Wildcat " I made it."
Vanoss " Took you long enough. "
Wildcat " I noticed something..... Out of all of us you are the one that can somehow bring us together. "
Vanoss " Yea cuss you guys all love me."

Wildcat pov

Vanoss starts to laugh after saying that but I just smile. He stops after a little bit then shows me where the drinks and food was. We sat down a cross from Terroriser, Moo and Mini. About a hour into the party some of us are passed out or still laughing but Me and Vanoss have been talking since I got here which was good cause we talked a little bit of deep stuff but when a few of are friends passed out Vanoss went looking for something. Terroriser and Moo mess around with the passed out Delirious until Vanoss came out of nowhere and started to draw on Delirious with a permanent marker. He wrote and drew some funny stuff that made also everyone die of laughter. I laughed a little bit but I started to notice that Vanoss was looking very hot. I try to ignore it but the way he laughs and how he bends over and leans over Delirious to draw on him. I shake my head the I go to the kitchen trying to get him out of my head.

Vanoss " Hey..... Are you okay?"
Wildcat " Umm yea im good."

I fake smile but he notices it.

Vanoss " Are you telling the truth?"
Wildcat " No... Wait yes!"

He looks at my confused, I know that I can't hide these feelings for long so I let my self go, I feel the alcohol kick in.

Vanoss " Wildcat? "

I move closer to him until he is up against the wall. I put one of my hands beside his head then I stare into his chocolate brown eyes. He keeps looking at me confused with a little scared look. I smile then I wrap my other arm around his neck then I kiss him gently on the lips. I close my eyes and enjoy feeling his lips on mine. I feel him trying to move away but I move my hand off the wall then around his waist. I finally pull away and look at him, his cheeks a red as a tomato.

Wildcat " Aww you look so cute."

He laughes a little then we both just stand there staring into each others eyes.

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