{ LuiDaith } Fetch

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Lui pov

Recently Nogla has become part dog. He got kidnapped but luckily I got him back thanks to our friends. Since he is hurt and broken I decided to take care of him. Our friends will come by and say hi. Nogla being part dog is not that bad, it's kinda fun. Today I bought ten tennis balls and I have been waiting for him to sit down in his favorite spot. After what seemed like forever Nogla finally appears. I smirk and then I wait till he gets comfortable. He lays down, I throw the first ball. Immediately he sit up and watches it. I throw another one, he watches this one and looks like he was about to go get it but he shook his head. I throw another one and he wags his tail. I throw another one and this time he runs after it. I immediately burst into laughter.

Nogla pov

I couldn't handle it anymore, I run after the ball. As I grab it I hear laughter, I look around and see Lui on the ground laughing. I walk up to him and stare at him. He calms down after a bit and smiles at me. I hold up the ball.

Nogla " Really? "

He smirks.

Lui " I couldn't resist.... You actually fetched it! "

He start to laugh again, I drop the ball and taclke him. We wrestle around and bit and I finally pin him. I smirk, I lean down to his ear.

Nogla " I think I'm gonna fetch something else now. "

He immediately blushes, I unpin him and instead pick him up and put him on my shoulder. I walk into the huse and head for his room. I drop him on the bed and then I lock the door. I smirk once again.

Nogla " Ready? "

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