{ VanLui BasicallyidoLuiDaith H2OVanoss } Too short

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Lui pov

I sit on the couch excited to see Vanoss, who will be here soon. I jump up and run into the kitchen where Nogla and Basically are. They are cooking lunch for Vanoss and Delirious and just in case they haven't ate anything on the way here. I hug Nogla then I hug Basically and go to leave but they pull me back.

Nogla " What about a kiss? "

I sigh and go to kiss then but they go on their tippy toes when I do. I groan in announce as they continue to do this.

Basically " Come on Lui... Almost there. "

I hate how their taller and they tease me all the time about me being short. I go to try and kiss them again but they tippy toe again. I am now getting pissed at them for doing this.

Vanoss " Were here! "

I get out of their grip and go to the living room and see Vanoss and Delirious checking out the house.

Vanoss pov

E come in and I yell we're here. Lui comes out of I think the kitchen and looks a little upset.

Vanoss " Hey Lui. "

Nogla and Basically come into veiw but then Lui is right in my face. He wraps his arms around my neck then kisses me. I am completely shocked and confused. Lui pulles away then grabs my wrist.

Lui " Maybe I should date Vanoss cause I'm too SHORT!!!! "

He pulles me upstairs and into his room.

Delirious pov

Delirious " What the hell just happened? "
Nogla " Not sure. "
Basically " Too short? "
Delirious " You guys better figure it out cause my love was just kissed and taken away. "

I glare at them and wait for them to fix this situation.

Vanoss pov

I sit on Lui's bed as he locks the door and I hear him begin to cry.

Vanoss " Hey, whats wrong. "

He stays quiet but then runs into my arms and cry harder.

Lui " I I I... Hate.... How... They... Tease me... About... About my shortness! "
Vanoss " Oh Lui they don't really mean it. "
Lui " I don't care... I'm already hurt. "

I hug him tighly and then I feel him push me down so I'm laying down on the bed. We continue to hold each other and soon enough I feel myself falling asleep.

~ Time skip ~

I wake up to a knock on the door.

Nogla " Lui. "
Basically " Please open the door. "

I go to move but Lui's grip tightens.

Vanoss " Lui. "

He tightens his grip even more and it gets hard to breath.

Basically " Lui.. We're sorry and we're worried about you. "
Vanoss " Lll.. "

I can barely breath, his grip is to tight.

Nogla " Fine then. "

I hear footsteps walk away and Lui relaxes. Lui sits up and so do I, he looks at me then down at the bed.

Lui " I can't get their words out of my head..... I need to forget for a while. "
Vanoss " I could leave you alone if you like. "
Lui " No.. I actually need you. "
Vanoss " Uh? "

Lui wraps his arms around me and I look into his eyes that are clouded in lust.

Oh no.

Vanoss " Lui I donhhhnn~ "

He licks my neck and start to bite and nibble on my ear. I shake my head and start to pry off Lui's arms. With him now licking and bite on my neck it's hard for me to concentrate.

Vanoss " Lll...Stop. "

I manage to get out of his grip and then I push him down the bed with his back facing me.

Lui " Vanoss I need to forget. "
Vanoss " Well find another way to forget. "

I get up and head to door and go to open it but I hear yell no. I stand there looking at the door. I ignore him and unlock the door and immediately Nogla, Basically and Delirious burst into the room. Delirious picks me up and puts me on his shoulder and carries me downstairs.

~ Time skip ~

Me an Delirious are sitting on the couch while cuddling as the three butt fuckers fuck.

Vanoss " Well today was strange. "
Delirious " We got weird friends. "

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