{ H2OVanoss Minicat LuiDaith } cleaning time

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Delirious pov

I'm a very hyper and proactive dog hybrid. At the pound I get into a lot of fights and stuff like that. No owner likes me cause I get mean when Vanoss, my lover, soul mate and best friend isn't there. So must of my life I have been in the pound. Vanoss on the other hand is a cat hybrid and owners like him but always bring him back cause without me he goes into a depression and won't play or listen to the owner. Since me and him have been in here for so long we made a few friends. Like there's a big dog named Nogla and then there's a cat mixed with minx is named Wildcat. Those two guys I like to wrestle and mess around with. Vanoss is really good friends with a fow and ferret and there names are Mini and Lui. It's strange that there in here but since they were kept inside too long they lost that wild animal instinct.

Vanoss " Delirious? "

I look behind me and see my lover looking for me in his cat form. All of us can turn half human but we only do that when were only cause the owners might do something to us. Vanoss keeps looking around while I sneak away and hide.

Vanoss " I see you. "

What?.... No he's lying.

Vanoss is suddenly in front of me.

Vanoss " Told you. "
Delirious " Dammit.... Well why you looking for me ? "
Vanoss " Well I was worried about you and wow your dirty. "

I look at myself and then I look at him with a smirk.

Delirious " Me and Wildcat were wrestling and we kinda fell into a mud puddle. "

Vanoss starts to clean me with his tongue.

Delirious " Hey... Stop that... "
Vanoss " No your filthy and you need to be cleaned.... Do you prefer my tongue or what Mini is doing. "
Delirious " What's Mini doing? "
Vanoss " Chasing Wildcat with a soapy rag. "

I start to laugh as I picture that. Vanoss starts to walk back where he came from and I follow. As we enter the play room I see Wildcat running for his dear life as a angry fox chases him with a indeed soapy rag. Vanoss sits down and looks at me. I sigh and sit beside and let him clean me as I watch the two run around.

Nogla " Hey Delirious. "
Delirious " Hey Nogla... And Lui. "

Lui is riding on Nogla's back as he walks over to us. Vanoss finished with cleaning my face and then moves to my ears and behind my neck.

Nogla " Having fun getting cleaned? "
Delirious " I guess. "
Vanoss " Shut up. "
Lui " Doggy treats!!!! "

We all lagh expect for Vanoss. Wildcat comes out of nowhere and runs into Nogla. Mini pounces on Wildcat and drops the rag on his head. Wildat freaks out and then runs around while the rag is still on his head.

Mini " Bitch! "

Mini runs after him again. Nogla and Lui are laughing there ass off while I just smile.

Vanoss " Done. "
Nogla " Shinny and holy shit your fast. "
Vanoss " Practice. "
Nogla " On what? "
Vanoss " Oh shut up. "
Delirious " Well I'm all clean but your not anymore. "

I smirk and lean towards him.

Delirious " Should I clean you now? "

Vanoss smirks then puts his right paw on my head and makes me bow.

Vanoss " Bow down bitch!! "

I hear Nogla and Lui laughing again. I shake his paw off and glare at him. He smiles and then runs.

Delirious " Get back here!!! "

( I was thinking about having another story being published, so I would have this short stuff, Science experiments and another one.... I don't yet but I have been thinking about it... oh and there is going to be a fangs 2 and another story coming soon... Hoped you enjoyed ♥ )

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