{ Terrornuckle } Distance

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Moo pov ( Also play song )

Mine and Terriorser relationship has gone pretty good until his job sent him else where. This year he said he will be gone for the summer but then the plan changed. Three years I won't get to see him. His job his making him travel so far away and to different places. I sigh as I think about him being so far away. I miss being able to cuddle him, play with his hair and staring into his beautiful eyes. I start to feel tears build up in my eyes. I get from the couch then I run to my room that used to be called are room. I flop on the bed and grab a pillow and I scream into it while I let the tears fall and stain my shirt and pillow. I cry even more as I think about him. I hold the pillow closer then I close my eyes and start to dream about him.

Three years later

I sit in my chair that's on my porch. I stare off into the distance and slowly let the world fade. I feel tears well up in my eyes again. I shake my head and come back into reality. I have stopped thinking about him, text him and loving him. My heart in in so many pieces. He hasn't talked to me more then to years. My friends ask if im going to play again or if im going to see them. I have stopped played videos games and talking to them about a year ago. I read the calendar and see today is the day when he is supposed to be home. I patiently wait for him to open the door. I lay on the couch and listen to music while reading. Time slowly ticks by as I sit here waiting for him. I stop reading after a while and then I think about what im going to say to him. After a while darkness covers the sky and he still has not appeared. I sigh then I finally call my friends and say its.....

Terriorser " I'm home. "

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