{ Brohm } Pay attention to me

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( Welcome to the book Ohmwrecker and BryceMCquaid..... 😂)

Ohm pov

I sit in my chair editing a video, suddenly I hear the door to my room open.

Bryce " What you doing? "
Ohm " Editing. "
Bryce " Having fun? "
Ohm " Sure. "

I keep looking at the screen, I hear Bryce huff. Bryce suddenly jumps into my lap and nuzzles into my neck. He wraps him arms around me.

Bryce " Love me! "
Ohm " Demanding aren't you? "

Bryce stops then tries to get into my sweater. I sigh then I pick him up, I drop him onto the bed and then I go sit back in my chair. I hear Bryce groan then he comes and sits beside me and wraps his legs and arms around my left leg. He suddenly bites me, I jump up and yelp.

Ohm " Stop that! "
Bryce " Pay attention to me. "
Ohm " I can't right now, I have a bunch of editing to do. "

Bryce mumbles something then gets up and leaves the room. I sigh and then I get up and go find him. I hear music coming from his room. I poke his cheek.

Bryce " I'm busy. "

He stares blanky at the screen, I poke him again. He says nothing, I pull his chair back and then I sit down in front of him. I wrap my arms around him and then I bite where about his rids are. He gasps then throws of his head phone's.

Bryce " What do you want? "
Ohm " Attention.  "
Bryce " Oh really, well I have a bunch of editing to do. "

I sigh.

Ohm " I'm sorry and your right.. We haven't been paying attention to each other when we should. "
Bryce " Yea. "

I lean up and kiss him.

Ohm " Want to spend sometime now? "

He giggles.

Bryce " I do. "

I kiss him again.

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